
Pierluigi Paganini May 30, 2016
Android 6.0 Marshmallow permission-granting model is under attack

Malware researchers are warning Android’s latest permission-granting model in version 6.0 Marshmallow is now been targeted by Mobile malware authors. Android’s latest permission-granting model in version 6.0 Marshmallow is now been targeted by Mobile malware authors. The model  will let users grant permissions only when it is required by the app, rather be accepting all […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 27, 2016
Installing rogue apps on iOS devices via SandJacking Attack

The security expert Chilik Tamir from Mi3 Security has devised a new attack dubbed SandJacking to install rogue apps on iOS devices. The security expert Chilik Tamir from Mi3 Security has devised some new attack methods that can be exploited by threat actors to install malicious apps on non-jailbroken iOS devices. Tamir presented his attack methods at […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 25, 2016
Android will replace passwords with trust scores by 2017

Daniel Kaufman announced that Google is planning to make password identifications outmoded by 2017 and replace them with trust scores. Google wants to replace traditional passwords on Android with “trust scores,”  and it is planning to do it by 2017. The announcement was officialized at the Google I/O conference, the IT giant intends to use Google’s Trust API technology developed by […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 20, 2016
John McAfee and his crew claim to have hacked a WhatsApp Message, But …

The popular security expert John McAfee and a team of four hackers demonstrated that is is possible to read WhatsApp message. The cybersecurity expert John McAfee and four hackers demonstrated that is is possible to read a WhatsApp message even if it is encrypted. The hacker crew used their servers located in a remote section […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 19, 2016
Japanese Docomo makes its smartphone covertly trackable

The Japanese Mobile carrier NTT Docomo announced that its mobile devices will allow authorities to covertly track the locations of the users. The Japanese Mobile carrier NTT Docomo announced that five of its new smartphone models will allow authorities to track the locations without users being aware of it. Today, users are alerted when the […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 10, 2016
Researchers hack WhatsApp accounts through SS7 protocol

White Hackers from Positive Technologies demonstrate how to exploit SS7 protocol to impersonate WhatsApp and Telegram users and act on their behalf. Both WhatsApp and Telegram messaging services have implemented the end-to-end encryption for chats in order to protect the privacy of their users and improve their security. Is it enough to keep prying eyes far from them? No, according to a […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 06, 2016
Three-quarters of Android devices affected by the Qualcomm software flaw

Mandiant – FireEye has disclosed the details of a serious information disclosure vulnerability affecting one of the Qualcomm software package widely used. Security researchers from the Mandiant firm have discovered a “high severity” vulnerability in the Qualcomm tethering controller (CVE-2016-2060) that could be exploited by a malicious application to access user information. Recently Google released an Android update that addresses […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 04, 2016
Google fixes 40 Critical and High Severity flaws in Android

Patches for 40 high and medium severity vulnerabilities have been included in Google’s May 2016 security update for the Android operating system. Patches for 40 vulnerabilities have been included in Google’s May 2016 security update for the Android operating system. Many high and medium severity vulnerabilities, in addition to one low severity vulnerability, are patched […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 03, 2016
WhatsApp blocked for more than 100 million users due to a Judge’s order

A Brazilian judge ordered to block access to the WhatsApp messaging service for 72 hours, it is the second time in five months. Brazilian authorities ordered ISPs to block WhatsApp today in a dispute over access to encrypted data. The order to block the messaging service for 72 hours has been issued by a judge from the […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 26, 2016
Dogspectus ransomware campaign relies on Leaked Hacking Team Exploits and Towelroot

Blue Coat spotted a new ransomware-based campaign serving the Dogspectus malware. Crooks combined a Hacking Team exploit and the Towelroot exploit. Security experts at Blue Coat have spotted a new campaign spreading an Android Ransomware dubbed Dogspectus. The malicious code hijacks mobile advertisements to scam gift cards, it locks the device in a state that allows only […]