Data of 750 million Indian mobile subscribers was offered for sale on dark web hacker forums earlier in January. CloudSEK researchers warned that a database containing data of 750 million Indian mobile subscribers was offered for sale on dark web hacker forums earlier in January. According to the researchers, at least two cybercrime gangs, CYBO […]
Data leaks containing Aadhaar IDs in India were caused by the insecurity of 3rd parties while aggregating such information for KYC. According to Resecurity, a global cybersecurity provider protecting Fortune 500 companies and governments globally, one of the key issues leading to data leaks containing Aadhaar IDs in India is the insecurity of 3rd parties […]
Hundreds of millions of PII records belonging to Indian residents, including Aadhaar cards, are being offered for sale on the Dark Web. PII Belonging to Indian Citizens, Including their Aadhaar IDs, Offered for Sale on the Dark Web In early October, Resecurity’s HUNTER (HUMINT) unit identified hundreds of millions of personally identifiable information (PII) records […]
The Tribune announced to have “purchased” a service that provided it an unrestricted access to the residents’ records in the Aadhaar system. According to The Tribune, hackers have breached the Unique Identification Authority of India’s Aadhaar biometric system and gained access to personally identifiable information (i.e. names, addresses, phone numbers) of more than 1 billion […]
According to the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), details for Aadhaar system were displayed on 210 government websites. The state government websites publicly displayed personal details such as names and addresses of Aadhaar users. The Aadhaar system is the world’s largest biometric ID system, with over 1.123 billion enrolled members as of 28 February 2017. The role of the […]
A CIS study estimated number of Aadhaar numbers leaked through 4 gov portals could be around 135 million and 100M bank account numbers. The Aadhaar is the world’s largest biometric ID system, with over 1.123 billion enrolled members as of 28 February 2017. The role of the system is crucial for both authenticating and authorizing transactions and […]
Personal information associated with more than a million Aadhaar numbers published on Jharkhand govt website due to a technical problem. Digital identities of more than a million citizens have been exposed due to a coding error on a website maintained by the Jharkhand Directorate of Social Security. “We got to know about it this week […]