The Dutch police decrypted a number of PGP messages sent by crooks through their BlackBerry mobile devices for the criminal investigation on Ennetcom. PGP is an open source end-to-end encryption standard that can be used to sign emails, files, documents, or disk partitions. On April 2016, the Dutch Police arrested a 36-year-old man on suspicion […]
A report published by the VICE News confirmed that the Canadian law enforcement obtained the BlackBerry encryption Key under the investigation Op Clemenza. BlackBerry is probably the first mobile vendor that implemented end-to-end encryption to protect communications of its users. Now an embarrassing report published by Vice News revealed that BlackBerry has shared a master Key to […]
Security Experts at Trend Micro discovered a series of hacking attacks targeting Facebook users and exploiting the Same Origin Policy vulnerability. A serious security vulnerability affects the default web browser of the Android OS lower than 4.4, according the data provided by Google official dashboard nearly the 66% of Android devices is impacted. The security […]
Security researchers have discovered that billions mobile devices could be remotely controlled due the presence of a built-in management tool. Two researchers at Accuvant Labs, Mathew Solnik and Marc Blanchou, have recently discovered the existence of built-in vulnerabilities in a large number of mobile devices that would allow an attacker to gain complete control of […]
Heartbleed is the security flaw that is scaring IT industry, which is its impact on the mobile worlds? How many Smartphone Users could be affected? Heartbleed flaw is the argument that most of all is capturing the attention of the media in this period,  billions of users worldwide have been impacted, there are thousands solutions affected […]
CISCO and BlackBerry started to evaluate the impact of Heartbleed vulnerability on their products … unfortunately,the list of affected solutions is long. So far we have discussed the Heartbleed vulnerability by not investigating which are the products on the market that really are suffering it. We realized that the Heartbleed vulnerability potentially allows any attacker to access […]
BlackBerry issued an alert on a remote code execution vulnerability in qconnDoor service that affects BlackBerry 10 smartphones. A recent BlackBerry Security Advisory informed users of the existence of a remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2014-1468) that affect BlackBerry 10 smartphone running OS versions earlier than version As described in the advisory the attackers could exploit the vulnerability sending […]