At the end of October 2020, Qurium received reports from users in Belarus that Telegram service was not working properly. Although the service was reachable, an increased latency was noted among the users. Beltelecom, the national telecommunications company in Belarus, fully owned by the Government of Belarus and operated by the Ministry of Telecommunications, controls […]
Researchers at Qurium Media Foundation published a report that provides insight on how Sandvine DPI performs the blocking, and how it can be detected. Sandvine has during recent years become infamous for its support to Internet repressive regimes, such as Belarus, Azerbaijan, Egypt, where its DPI equipment is used to block independent media and human rights organizations. This […]
Researchers at Qurium Media Foundation analyzed the blocking implemented by four different operators in Belarus. September 23, 2020 Qurium analyzes the blocking implemented by four different operators in Belarus Belarus operators use their own infrastructure to implement the blocking Block techniques include transparent web proxies, injection of HTTP responses, stateless and stateful SSL DPI and […]
The list of sites blocked in MYANMAR includes many websites that did not fall under the categories adult content or fake news Original post at: In March 2020, The Ministry of Telecommunications (MoTC) issued a directive to all operators in Myanmar with a secret list of 230 sites to be blocked due to the nature of the content; […]
The Coronavirus outbreak is a global emergency, in the last hours Iran is one of the countries with the highest number of infections and Wikipedia Farsi was blocked as fears spread. The NetBlocks internet observatory, which tracks disruptions and shutdowns, revealed that Iran has blocked access to the Farsi (Persian) language edition of the Wikipedia online […]
Network data collected by the NetBlocks internet observatory confirm that Turkey has blocked access to social media as Idlib military crisis escalates Network data collected by the NetBlocks internet observatory confirm that the Turkish authorities have blocked access to social media following allegations of an attack on Turkish troops in Idlib, Syria on Thursday 27 […]
Tutanota, the popular free and open-source end-to-end encrypted email software, has been blocked by Russian authorities. The popular free and open-source end-to-end encrypted email service Tutanota has been blocked in Russia on Friday evening. Since early February, the Russian government has blocked other encrypted email and VPN services in Russia, including ProtonMail and ProtonVPN VPN service. Tutanota is listed in the registry of blocked […]
Russia’s Roskomnadzor watchdog wants to fine Facebook and Twitter after they refused to store data of Russian users on servers located in the country. Russia’s telecommunications watchdog Roskomnadzor has instituted administrative proceedings against Facebook and Twitter after they refused to store data of Russian users on servers located in the country. “On January 31, 2020, Roskomnadzor instituted administrative […]
The popular ProtonMail end-to-end encrypted email service and ProtonVPN VPN service have been blocked by the Russian government this week. This week the Russian government has blocked the ProtonMail end-to-end encrypted email service and ProtonVPN VPN service. Roskomnadzor explained that the services were abused by cybercriminals and that Proton Technologies refused to register them with state authorities. The […]
Chinese authorities continue operations against unauthorized VPN services that are very popular in the country. China continues to intensify the monitoring of the cyberspace applying and persecution of VPN services that could be used to bypass its censorship system known as the Great Firewall. The Great Firewall project already blocked access to more hundreds of the world’s 1,000 top […]