Orange Cyberdefense’s Epidemiology Lab has published a report on cyberattacks targeting the healthcare sector. While COVID-19 infections around the world are exploding, cyber threat actors are trying to capitalise on this global health crisis by creating malwares or launching attacks with a COVID-19 theme. Last week, a COVID-19 testing centre was hit by a cyberattack, […]
Security researcher Marco Ramilli analyzed a new Coronavirus (COVID-19)-themed attack gathering evidence of the alleged involvement of an APT group. Scenario We are living hard time, many countries all around the world are hit by COVID-19 which happened to be a very dangerous disease. Unfortunately many deaths, thousands of infected people, few breathing equipment, stock […]
A cybercrime gang focused on Business Email Compromise (BEC) has started using coronavirus-themed scam emails in its attacks. While the Coronavirus is spreading worldwide cybercriminals and nation-state actors are launching COVID19-themed attacks on a global scale. Most of the attacks aimed at spreading malware to control victims’ computers and stealing sensitive data, but now a […]
Crooks continue to abuse the interest in Coronavirus outbreak, now experts found a new backdoor called BlackWater that pretends to provide information about COVID-19. Experts found a new backdoor malware called BlackWater that pretends to provide information about the COVID-19 outbreak while abusing Cloudflare Workers as an interface to the C2 server. Cloudflare Workers provide a serverless execution […]
A cyber attack hit one of the major COVID-19 testing laboratories in Czech, the Brno University Hospital in the city of Brno. While the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is spreading on a global scale, crooks and nation-state actors are launching Coronavirus-themed attacks against targets worldwide. The healthcare systems of any country are under pressure, for this reason, […]
While WHO declares the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, crooks are attempting to exploit the situation to monetize their efforts. Cybercriminals continue to exploit the fear in the coronavirus outbreak to spread malware and steal sensitive data from victims. Experts from cybersecurity Reason reported cybercrimnals are using new coronavirus-themed attacks to deliver malware. Crooks are targeting […]
Researchers from Cybaze Yoroi ZLab have spotted a new campaign exploiting the interest in coronavirus (COVID-19) evolution to spread malware. Introduction Nowadays, it is common to say that the physical world and the cyber world are strictly connected. The proof is the leverage of the current physical threat, the CoronaVirus (COVID-19), as a social engineering […]