Pierluigi Paganini November 08, 2012
Joining hands against cybercrime in Africa

Concerned over rising threats online, Cyber security agents in Africa are taking a proactive step by collaborating with global network-security experts, to curb cybercriminal activities in the continent where they will share information and technical know how. Cyber security agents in Africa will gain an even better view of emerging cyber threats by working with […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 01, 2012
Russian Underground is just part of a global criminal network

Trend Micro published a very interesting report on the Russian underground market, the document written by Max Goncharov analyzed the services and the products marketed by cyber criminals. The study is based on data obtained from the analysis of online forums and services attended by Russian hackers such as antichat.ru, xeka.ru, and carding-cc.com. Trend Micro […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 19, 2012
Prolexic Q3 2012 … a new generation of DDoS attacks

The second half of 2012 is started with an sensible increase of Distributed denial-of-service attacks against financial institutions and banking that caused several problems to the victims. To face with a so dangerous menace it’s fundament to analyze the phenomena starting from the data provided by security firms that desing solutions to protect companies from […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 11, 2012
What is the Dorkbot worm that is attacking Skype’s users?

What could happen if a malware compromises a communication system adopted daily by 663 million users (info dated September 2011)? Security experts have spread an alert to Skype users about an ongoing attack that try to induce them to load a link that spreads malware. The famous voice-over-Internet application is totally changed from its original […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 09, 2012
Hackers planning massive attacks against U.S. banks, is it possible?

In the last weeks we have assisted to a massive DDoS attacks against U.S. financial institutions that demonstrated how much invasive is this type of offensive. The dimension of the attacks was very impressive considering that it has beaten the defense systems of so large organizations, experts believe it is negligible if compared to the […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 28, 2012
Are they Islamic hacktivists? In the meantime Netanyahu draws a red line

Last Wednesday the web site of U.S. Bank has been hit by a DDoS attack, that caused its block, launched by a group of Islamic hacktivists who have claimed responsibility for event. The web site remained down for an hour, starting at around 3:30 Pacific, due the impossibility to serve the huge quantity of requests. […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 24, 2012
Iran,increasing tension with Western countries under cyber perspective

The tensions between Iran and Western countries are always in the principal news, the fear for an imminent Israel attack raises many questions regarding the real level of military preparedness of the regime. Many experts have tried to analyzed a possible scenario of the attack, in which the cyber component could assume a strategic importance. […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 16, 2012
Microsoft distrupts Nitol botnet, malware hidden in supply chain

The malware diffusion is assuming dimension difficult to control, no matter if we are facing with a state-sponsored attack or with a cyber scam, malicious agents are around us, they have infected a huge quantity of machines with dramatic consequences. But what’s happen if we discover the malware inside the controller of ordinary object that […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 11, 2012
All you have to know on DDoS attack against GoDaddy

Yesterday was a terrible day, late afternoon in Europe Time, I noted that my blog Security Affairs, was down. I received several messages from my readers but when I tried to investigate on the reasons I discovered, with a great surprise, that the entire GoDaddy Platform was down. The popular web host supports more than […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 02, 2012
Anonymous, from Philips to UK Government…a hot autumn is coming

The summer is ending and we must be prepared to a new season of attacks of Anonymous collective, last weeks we have registered several attacks of the group of hackers that suggest a warm autumn. Last week with a series of attacks Anonymous targets Electronics Manufacturer AVX, the hackers have hit the website for electronics […]