
Pierluigi Paganini February 24, 2017
SHAttered attack, Google and CWI conducted the first SHA-1 collision attack

Experts at Google and CWI conducted the first real world collision attack against popular SHA-1 hashing algorithm, so called shattered-attack. Researchers at Google and Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in the Netherlands succeeded in conducting the first real world collision attack against popular SHA-1 hashing algorithm. The researchers created two documents with different content but […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 23, 2017
Roughly 200,000 Devices still affected by the Heartbleed vulnerability

More than two years after the disclosure of the HeartBleed bug, 200,000 services are still affected. Systems susceptible to Heartbleed attacks are still too many, despite the flaw was discovered in 2014 nearly 200,000 systems are still affected. Shodan made a similar search in November 2015 when he found 238,000 results, the number dropped to 237,539 […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 12, 2017
Spora Ransomware allows victims to pay for immunity from future attacks

 Security experts from Emsisoft spotted a new strain of malware, the Spora ransomware, that allows potential victims to pay for immunity from future attacks. Security experts from Emsisoft spotted a new strain of ransomware dubbed Spora that implements a singular extortion mechanism, it allows potential victims to pay for immunity from future attacks. According to the experts, […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 21, 2016
Google presents the Project Wycheproof to test crypto libraries against known attacks

Google released the Project Wycheproof, an open source tool designed to test most popular cryptographic software libraries against known attacks. Google presented the Project Wycheproof, an open source Crypto Library Testing Tool that was launched to allow development teams to discover security vulnerabilities in popular cryptographic software libraries. “Project Wycheproof tests crypto libraries against known attacks. It is […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 26, 2016
The Most Secure Smartphones – Holiday Edition

Unfortunately, many smartphones have never been designed with security in mind, which are the most secure smartphones? Enjoy it! In general, smartphones have never been designed with security in mind. The emphasis has always been on features and capabilities while security is usually relegated to the back burner. And, while no internet-connected device is 100% […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 16, 2016
CVE-2016-4484 Hold down the Enter key for 70 sec to gain a Linux Root shell

The CVE-2016-4484 vulnerability can be exploited to gain a Linux Root shell by simply pressing the Enter Key for 70 Seconds. It could be quite easy to bypass the authentication procedures on some Linux systems just by holding down the Enter key for around 70 seconds. In this way, it is possible to open a shell […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 25, 2016
Hacking GSM A5 crypto algorithm by using commodity hardware

Researchers demonstrated how to crack GSM A5/1 Stream Cipher using a general-purpose graphics processing unit computer with 3 NVIDIA GeForce GTX690 cards. A group of security researchers from the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), demonstrated that the crypto scheme used in the GSM mobile phone data can be easily hacked within seconds. Actually, […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 18, 2016
Security audit reveals critical flaws in VeraCrypt, promptly fixed with a new release

“VeraCrypt is much safer after this audit, and the fixes applied to the software mean that the world is safer when using this software.” The security researcher Jean-Baptiste BĂ©drune from Quarkslab and the cryptographer Marion Videau  have discovered a number of security vulnerabilities in the popular encryption platform VeraCrypt. A new audit of the disk-encryption […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 16, 2016
CryPy ransomware uses a unique Key for each encrypted file

Experts from Kaspersky have spotted a new threat in the wild written in Python, the CryPy ransomware that uses a unique key for each. Researcher newly founded “CryPy “ Ransomware written in python has surprised Israeli server for command and control (C&C) communication. In past, we have other ransomware written in python like Zimbra, HolyCrypt, […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 29, 2016
Generalized RSA (GRSA) Using 2k Prime Numbers with Secure Key Generation

In this blog, we introduce a generalized algorithm over RSA which is advanced, adaptable and scalable in using the number of primes. Cryptography is used for secure communication since ancient days for providing confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information. Public key cryptography is a classification of cryptography having a pair of keys for encryption and decryption. […]