Trojan Shield operation: The FBI and Australian Federal Police ran an encrypted chat platform that was used by crime gangs and intercepted their communications. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Dutch National Police (Politie), and the Swedish Police Authority (Polisen), along with the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and police from 16 other […]
Hacker claims to have breached the Aptoide app store users early this month and now leaked 20 million records out of 39 million Aptoide user records. A hacker has leaked this week details of 20 million users of the Aptoide app store, the claims to have breached the store early this months and to be […]
Security researchers discovered that a misconfigured server operated by the CalAmp company could allow anyone to access account data and takeover the associated vehicle. CalAmp is a company that provides backend services for several well-known systems. Security researchers Vangelis Stykas and George Lavdanis discovered that a misconfigured server operated by the CalAmp company could allow anyone to access […]
Other problems for the Amazon Key technology, a hacker posted a video on Twitter to show how to access a locked door after a delivery worker’s one-time code has been used. Earlier in November, Amazon announced for its Prime members the Amazon Key, a program that would allow a delivery person to enter your home under […]
Researchers with Rhino Security Labs demonstrated how to disable the camera on Amazon Key, which could let a rogue courier to access the customers’ home. Earlier this month, Amazon announced for its Prime members the Amazon Key, a program that would allow a delivery person to enter your home under video surveillance, securely drop off […]
A security researcher discovered a number of embarrassing vulnerabilities in the popular anonymous feedback app Sarahah. The anonymous feedback app Sarahah makes the headlines once again, according to the according to security researcher Scott Helme, the web-based version of the app is plagued with security flaws. Sarahah mobile app allows users to receive anonymous feedback […]
A team of security researchers from Chinese firm Tencent has once again demonstrated how to remotely hack a Tesla Model vehicle. Security researchers from Chinese firm Tencent have once again demonstrated how to remotely hack a Tesla Model vehicle. Once the experts reported the flaws to the car makers it promptly patched them. In a […]
A group of researchers from the security firm Promon has demonstrated how cyber criminals could take control of the Tesla Car and steal it. A group of security experts from security firm Promon has demonstrated how to exploit the Tesla app (for both Android and iOS) to locate, unlock and steal a Tesla Model S. The […]
The WiFox mobile app was designed as a huge container of network names and passwords for Wi-Fi airports networks worldwide. Do you travel a lot? Probably you have already read about WiFox, it is a legitimate Android/iOS mobile app that includes indications of thousands of airport Wi-Fi networks and their passwords. We have spoken several times about the […]
A security expert discovered security flaws that could let anyone to steal as much as $25 Billion from one of the biggest Indian banks. The security researcher Sathya Prakash discovered that the critical vulnerabilities reside in the mobile banking application used by the bank customers. Prakash explained that the exploitation of the flaw allowed him to steal […]