Neiman Marcus

Pierluigi Paganini July 09, 2024
More than 31 million customer email addresses exposed following Neiman Marcus data breach

The recent data breach suffered by the American luxury department store chain Neiman Marcus has exposed more than 31 million customer email addresses. In May 2024, the American luxury retailer and department store chain Neiman Marcus disclosed a data breach following the security breach of the cloud-based data warehousing company Snowflake. The luxury retailer disclosed […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 09, 2019
State attorneys general announced a $1.5 million settlement with Neiman Marcus

Tens of state attorneys general announced a $1.5 million settlement with The Neiman Marcus Group over a 2013 data breach. Tens of attorneys general announced this week a $1.5 million settlement with The Neiman Marcus Group LLC over a data breach suffered by the company in 2013 and disclosed earlier 2014. 43 states and the […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 18, 2014
US retailer Michaels Stores confirms card data breach

After Target and Neiman Marcus, also US retailer Michaels Stores confirms card data breach occurred early this year, the second one in the company hystory. Early this year was spread the news that Michaels Stores Inc, the biggest U.S. arts and crafts retailer, was the victim of a severe data breach. Michaels Stores Inc. retailer was […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 15, 2014
TESCO thousands shopping account credentials leaked online

Thousands of shopping accounts were suspended after hackers have leaked users details including credentials and Tesco Clubcard vouchers. Tesco has recently confirmed to have suffered a data breach, the cybercriminals have hit the company on Valentine’s Day compromising the account of thousands of online clients. “We take the security of our customers’ data extremely seriously and […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 12, 2014
JackPOS malware presented as a Java Update Scheduler

JackPOS was detected by security experts at IntelCrawler firm several days ago and it seemed based on code from “Alina”. Attacks on POS are on the rise. A new strain of Point-of-Sale malware named “JackPOS” was discovered by IntelCrawler, a cyber intelligence firm from Los Angeles, confirming the growing trend of Point-of-Sales malware after the Target data breach. JackPOS was detected several days ago […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 27, 2014
Arts and crafts retailer Michaels Stores Inc warns over credit card fraud

Michaels Stores Inc., US-based arts-and-crafts retailer, confirmed it is investigating a possible data breach affecting customer cards. Michaels Stores Inc., US-based arts-and-crafts retailer maybe is the last victim of a massive data breach, a few weeks after the hack of US retailer Target and Neiman Marcus. Michaels Stores Inc has more than 1,250 stores across the United […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 22, 2014
The author of BlackPOS malware professes his innocence and good faith

Thanks to efficient investigation conducted by private firms like IntelCrawler, BlackPOS author was identifyed and professes his innocence and good faith. I was within the official source to spot the 23-year-old teenager who developed the BlackPOS malware thanks to the revelations made by Cyber Intelligence firm IntelCrawler. The author of BlackPOS was known as “ree[4]” in […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 20, 2014
IntelCrawler update- BlackPOS author forgot delete social network page

Security experts at IntelCrawler provided a new interesting update on BlackPOS author, he forgot to delete his social network page. Intelligence firm IntelCrawler announced a few days ago that the author of the BlackPOS/Kaptoxa malware used in the attack against Target and Neiman Marcus retailers a teenager known in the underground with the pseudonym of […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 17, 2014
17-years-old teenager is the author of BlackPOS/Kaptoxa malware (Target), several other breaches may be revealed soon

IntelCrawler Exclusive “17-years-old teenager is the author of BlackPOS malware (Target), several other breaches may be revealed soon” The massive data breach at Target during the 2013 holiday shopping season which the retailer now admits affected 70 million customers used an inexpensive “off the shelf” malware known as BlackPOS. The same malware may have also […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 13, 2014
After Target also Neiman Marcus retailer confirmed a data breach

Neiman Marcus retailer confirmed a data breach, it is the second case in a few weeks after data breach at US retailer Target discovered Brian Krebs. The high-end retailer Neiman Marcus confirmed a data breach that could represent a risk its customers, the incident occurs a few weeks after the clamorous data breach at US […]