UK security minister: ISIS would launch chemical attacks in the UK

Pierluigi Paganini January 02, 2017

The ISIS seeking to launch mass-casualty chemical attacks in Europe said security minister Ben Wallace.

The UK security minister Ben Wallace declared terror group wants to carry out mass casualty attack in Britain UK by ‘whatever means possible.’

According to the minister, members of the ISIS have “no moral barrier” to using chemical weapons against the helpless population.

“They have no moral objection to using chemical weapons against populations and if they could, they would in this country.” said Wallace.

“The casualty figures which could be involved would be everybody’s worst fear.” 

“We have certainly seen reports of them using it in Syria and Iraq [and] we have certainly seen aspiration for it in Europe.”

He confirmed that there were reports of ISIS using chemical weapons in the areas under its control in Syria and Iraq. Moroccan authorities had apprehended a cell in February which was

The report quotes Moroccan authorities had arrested a cell of terrorists in February which was in possession of substances that could be used to make either a chemical weapon.

Wallace also cited a recent report issued by the Europol that warned of the chemical threat.

In December 2015, a European Parliament report has confirmed the ISIS organization has already smuggled CBRN material into the EU and warned of WMD attacks.

The report confirmed the ISIS was recruiting foreign fighters with specific competencies in physics, chemistry, and computer science.

“ISIL/Da’esh has recruited and continues to recruit hundreds of foreign fighters, including some with degrees in physics, chemistry and computer science, who experts believe have the ability to manufacture lethal weapons from raw substances.”

Now Wallace told the Sunday Times that the ISIS plans to conduct “definitely mass casualty attacks” to harm as many people as possible.

“There are traitors. We have to be on our guard for the enemy within,” he said.

“The insider threat, as we would call it, is real and it can be exploited and there are people trying to do that as we speak.”

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Pierluigi Paganini

(Security Affairs – ISIS, terrorism, Chemical attacks)

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