According to a research conducted by IBM the healthcare industry was a privileged target of cybercriminals last year, more than 100M Records Compromised. The healthcare industry was the number one target of cybercriminals in 2015, new research indicates. Previously, the banking industry held the top position. In 2015, more than 100 million healthcare records were […]
Cisco has released a series of security updates to fix several vulnerabilities in the CISCO Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) products. Cisco has released security updates to fix several vulnerabilities in the Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) products. The Cisco Wireless LAN Controllers allow organizations to centrally manage, secure, and configure access points throughout their network infrastructure. […]
The former NSA expert Patrick Wardle has designed RansomWhere, a free ransomware detection tool for the protection of Mac OS X systems. The number of Ransomware-based attacks has risen in a dramatic way, every week the criminal underground community is presenting new threats with improved features that are causing significant economic losses to every industry. Everyday security experts […]
The authors of the TeslaCrypt ransomware have improved it by implementing new sophisticated evasion techniques and targeting new file types. The authors of the TeslaCrypt ransomware have introduced a couple of significant improvements, the new variant Version 4.1 has been in circulation for about a week. According to the experts at Endgame Inc., VXers have invested […]
According to Google, Google is a âpartially dangerousâ website because some pages on contain deceptive content. According to Googleâs online transparency report, Googleâs main search engine is a âpartially dangerousâ website. The company has advised that people should exercise caution when using it. The search engine could attempt to steal the personal information of […]
Anonymous announced OnionIRC, a new chatroom in the DarkWeb dedicated to teaching hacking and coding techniques and encryption mechanisms. Anonymous, the most popular collective of hacktivists, has announced a new chatroom in the DarkWeb dedicated to teaching its sympathizers hacking and coding techniques and encryption mechanisms. onionirchubx5363 . onion Port 6667 SSL: Port 6697 â Anonymous (@OnionIRC) […]
FireEye has discovered a new strain of POS malware dubbed Multigrain that steals card data from point-of-sale systems and exfiltrates it over DNS. Security experts at FireEye have spotted a new strain of the NewPosThings PoS malware, dubbed Multigrain, that steals payment card data from point-of-sale (PoS) systems and exfiltrate it via DNS to avoid detection. The technique is […]
Security researchers at the MIT designed an Artificial Intelligence system called AI2 that is able to detect 85 percent of attacks. While the number of cyber attacks continues to increase it is becoming even more difficult to detect and mitigate them in order to avoid serious consequences. A group of researchers at MIT’s Computer Science […]
Incredible, secret plans for NATO exercise Joint Warrior 161 were accidentally sent to Scottish fishermen and ferry operators emails. During the First World War, allied forces were able to read a lot of German radio traffic because of codebooks falling into allied hands. Eerily reminiscent of those days, NATO forces recently ran into a similar scenario, […]
Security experts eavesdropped and geographic tracked a US Congressman only using his phone number by abusing the SS7 protocol. Hackers eavesdropped and geographic tracked a US Congressman only using his phone number. Security experts will be no surprised, I wrote many articles on the topic explaining that security flaws in the SS7 protocol could be exploited by an attacker to […]