Fappening 2.0, Nude pictures of several celebrities have been leaked online, including Rose McGowan, Amanda Seyfried and Jillian Murray. Here we are speaking again of Fappening, new nude pictures of celebrities have been leaked online. In 2014 for the first time, several lots of private photographs of celebrities were leaked online, the phenomenon was dubbed […]
Further investigation on the attacks against Polish banks allowed Symantec to determine that North Korean Lazarus APT group was behind recent attacks on banks. According to malware researchers at Symantec, the North Korean APT group Lazarus was likely behind a recent string of cyber attacks against organizations in 31 countries. According to Symantec, the Lazarus […]
Imperva published the Global DDoS Threat Landscape Q4 2016, according to the experts the US, the UK and Netherlands are top attacked countries. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks continue to represent a serious threat to organizations worldwide. The attacks are growing in size and level of sophistication according to the new report ‘Global DDoS Threat […]
New APT Campaign based on Poison Ivy RAT with C&C in China has been reversed by MalwareMustDie who shared a lot of interesting details about the attack vectors and reverse techniques. Our travel along the great analysis of a fresh, new insidious APT China campaign. An ordinary case of phishing? At the beginning, it seemed […]
Trend Micro has discovered a new PoS malware, tracked as MajikPOS, that is targeting business in North America and Canada. Security experts at Trend Micro have discovered a new PoS malware, tracked as MajikPOS, that is targeting business in North America. The experts explained that the MajikPOS has the same capabilities of any other PoS malware, […]
The US authorities charged two former Russian FSB agents and two hackers for 2014 Yahoo data breach that caused the exposure of 500 Million Yahoo Accounts. Last year it was disclosed the news of the 2014 Yahoo data breach that compromised over 500 million Yahoo user accounts. At the time of the public disclosure made by […]
Great news for macOS users who were infected by the FindZip macOS ransomware, Avast released a decryption tool for free. Good news for macOS users who were infected by the FindZip ransomware, now a decryption tool was released online for free. The FindZip macOS ransomware was spotted last month by researchers at ESET, it is […]
Threat actors in the wild have found the way to hijack the Petya ransomware on the fly and use it in targeted attacks, say welcome to PetrWrap ransomware. The Petya ransomware was first spotted by experts at TrendMicro one year ago, it overwrites MBR to lock users out of the infected machines. The Petya ransomware causes a blue […]
Cybercriminals hijack Magento Realex Payments extension to steal payment card data. Experts at Sucuri are observing massive attacks. Cybercriminals continue to target Magento platform to steal credit card data. Crooks have been abusing a payment module to steal payment card data from online shops running on Magento e-commerce platform. According to experts at security firm Sucuri, […]
Experts from security firm Sixgill have discovered a new strain of the macOS Proton RAT that is offered for sale on Russian cybercrime underground. The Dark Web is the right place where to find any kind of illegal products and services, malware such as banking trojan and spyware are very popular in cyber criminal underground. Recently a […]