The security researcher Kafeine confirmed that the authors of the Angler EK have integrated the exploit for a recently patched Microsoft Silverlight vulnerability. Ransomware is becoming one of the most dreaded cyber threats for netizens, security experts noticed a surge in the number of cyber attacks aimed to spread malware like Cryptowall and TeslaCrypt. Exploit kits like the Nuclear EK […]
The Operation BlockBuster Coalition has disclosed the results of its investigation on the activities of the Lazarus Group that is believed to be behind the Sony Pictures hack. State-sponsored hackers allegedly behind the Sony Pictures hack have been linked to other security breach suffered by a number of companies in South Korea. The FBI blamed the North Korea, the […]
Japanese commercial and critical infrastructure organizations have been targeted a long-running campaign dubbed Operation Dust Storm. Security firm Cylance have uncovered a long-running hacking campaign dubbed ‘Operation Dust Storm’ targeting commercial and critical infrastructure organizations in Japan. Threat actors behind the Operation Dust Storm have been active since at least 2010, the hackers targeted several organizations in Japan, […]
Anonymous hacked the CIMD portal managed by the France’s Ministry of Defense to protest against French foreign arms trade operations. The Anonymous collective has hacked one of the websites managed by the France’s Ministry of Defense, the CIMD (Centre d’Identification des Materiels de la Defense). The hacktivists accessed the database and leaked it online to […]
It is a nightmare for taxpayers according to an IRS bulletin there is a 400 percent surge in tax-related phishing and malware incidents. This year the IRS already reported 1,026 malware and phishing incidents, compared to 254 this time last year. The IRS is warning taxpayers of newer forms of attacks aiming victims into disclosing […]
Financially-motivated actors have targeted employees of at least six Russian banks into installing the Ratopak Trojan, experts have found evidence of an extended hacking campaign. According to the Symantec security firm, a cyber criminal gang financially -motivated has targeted employees of Russian banks. The threat actors have been using a Trojan called Ratopak to gain control over the […]
Operators running websites based on the WordPress and Joomla must be aware of a spike in the number of compromised platforms used in Admedia attacks. Not only WordPress CMS, threat actors behind the “Admedia attacks” are now looking with increasing interest to Joomla. This is the discovery made by the experts at the Internet Storm […]
The FBI must provide details on the network investigative technique used to hack more than 1000 computers in a case involving child pornography. In a case involving child pornography, the FBI was ruled by a judge to provide all the code used to hack the PC of suspects and detailed information related to the procedure […]
The experts at the IBM X-Force threat intelligence have discovered that the source code for Android malware GM Bot was leaked online. Bad news for the Android community, the experts at IBM X-Force threat intelligence have discovered that the source code for Android malware GM Bot was leaked on an underground. The source code was […]
The Linux Mint website had been hacked, on Saturday, intruders were able to compromise it and serve malicious ISO of Linux Mint 17.3 Cinnamon edition. The Linux Mint website had been hacked, on Saturday 20th, February, intruders were able to compromise the website serving malicious ISO of Linux Mint 17.3 Cinnamon edition. The disconcerting announcement was made […]