Hackers are becoming a precious category of professionals also for organized crime, their effort is creating even more problems for law enforcement. A hacker illegally gained access to 60,000 servers worldwide and used them for large scam, the systems have been abused for online shopping with a stolen foreign credit card number. This time it […]
Security Experts at Sophos have detected a new phishing campaign against the Italian brand Poste Italiane that makes use of an efficient social engineering technique. Sophos experts detected this week an intriguing case of phishing against the Italian postal service Poste Italiane, the scheme attracted the researcher’s attention due the reuse of an old social […]
Syrian Electronic Army attacked most major Qatar websites to protest against the support of the government to the rebels against Assad. The Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) has hit a new series of targets in a large hacking campaign against high profile Qatar based websites. The Syrian Electronic Army is considered one of the most active and dangerous group of […]
Arbor Networks has published a quarterly report based on data pulled from ATLAS which includes new insight into DDoS attack trends having worrying characteristics. Arbor Networks has issued the report on global DDoS attack trends for the first three quarters of 2013, the report revealed that this kind of attack still represents a serious menace for IT […]
Security firm Imperva revealed that more than 35000 websites based on vBulletin CMS have been hacked exploiting a known vulnerability. Security experts warn of a massive attack against web sites that exploits  security flaw sites powered by the forum software vBulletin. On August vBullettin authors warned on “Potential vBulletin Exploit (vBulletin 4.1+, vBulletin 5+)”. The exploits […]
HP sponsored a study of Ponemon Institute that reveals Cost of Cybercrime in 2013 escalates 78 Percent while Time to Resolve Attacks More Than Doubles. HP and the Ponemon Institute have published The 2013 Cost of Cyber Crime Study, the fourth annual report that provides an estimation of the economic impact of cybercrime. âInformation is a powerful […]
The author of the Blackhole exploits kit has been arrested after a long investigation. What will change in the offer of the criminal underground? The author of the popular Blackhole exploit kit, also know as Paunch, has been arrested. The cybercrime underground has lost one of its principal actors considering that the malicious kit is one of […]
Symantec issued 2013 Norton Report, the annual research study which examines the consumersâ online behaviors, the dangers and financial cost of cybercrime. Symantec has released the 2013 Norton Report, the annual study of evolution of principal cyber threats in the security landscape. The study presented concerning results on the constant growth of cyber criminal activities. The 2013 […]
What is an E-shop for iFramed traffic and how does cybercrime exploit it? In this post thanks to the investigation of the incredible Dancho Danchev I’ll try to answer to these questions. On numerous occasion I remarked the need to carefully observe the evolution of the underground market to identify dangerous trends that can leave portend a new wave of […]
IBM issued the X-Force 2013 Mid-Year Trend and Risk Report, a detailed analysis of current security landscape, including data on main cyber threats and information on mitigation techniques. IBM issued the X-Force 2013 Mid-Year Trend and Risk Report, a study that identifies Social media as the main target of cyber criminal activities. The powerful social networking […]