
Pierluigi Paganini June 18, 2014
Protecting Brazil 2014 World Cup from cyber attacks

The Italian security firm Tiger Security issued a report on the current state of cyber attacks against the organization of the Brazil 2014 World Cup. The Italian firm Tiger Security is one of the companies in charge to monitor cyber security of the Brazil 2014 World Cup, in these hours its experts have issued an interesting report titled […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 18, 2014
AT&T suffered a data breach,users urge to change passcode

The American multinational giant AT&T confirmed to have suffered a data breach last April, personal data of an unknown number of users was exposed. The American multinational telecommunications corporation AT&T confirmed to have suffered a data breach last April, personal information of an unknown number of users was accessed by employees of one of its contractor. AT&T […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 16, 2014
Change in App permissions raises privacy and security issues

A review in the organization of app permissions made by Google could allow malicious apps to silently gain further permissions on the victim’s device. Google has recently made a significant change to the management process for permissions on Android devices, unfortunately security experts noticed that the change could advantage bad actors that intend to conduct attacks against the mobile […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 15, 2014
Air-gap network hacking technique, infects systems via cellphone even if isolated from the Internet

Israeli researchers presented the air-gap network hacking technique to compromise a system, even if it is isolated from the Internet, using a cellphone. Researchers at Ben Gurion University presented a study on the hacking technique dubbed air-gap network hacking which allows an attacker to inoculate a specific type of malware into a cellphone and use the mobile device as […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 13, 2014
Fraud scheme in PayPal allows anyone to increase balance endlessly

Razvan Cernaianu user described a method by which PayPal users could double their amount of money related to their account endlessly. The expert at Cyber Smart Defence TinKode a.k.a Razvan Cernaianu claimed to have found a loophole in the PayPal service, for the precision in its Chargeback Process, which could be exploited by a bad actor to increase his balance […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 12, 2014
opHackingCup, Anonymous is targeting Brazil WorldCup

As promised the collective Anonymous has started the opHackingCup hacking campaign against the Brazilian Government agencies and many other organizations. The group of Anonymous hacktivists a few hours before the start of the Brazil World Cup have started its hacking campaign against Brazilian Government organizations’ websites and official World Cup website (www.worldcup2014.gov.br), many other organizations are suffering […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 12, 2014
Xiaomi smartphones can steal bank card data via NFC

Chinese woman accidentally discovered that its Xiaomi smartphone has the capability to steal bank card data via near field communication. A report issued by the Nanjing-based Yangtse Evening News states that smartphones produced by Chinese Xiaomi are able to steal bank card data from wireless connections. Rumors reports that a woman from Nanjing has revealed to the newspaper that her new Xiaomi smartphone managed […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 12, 2014
Gmail hacking, a mine of data for phishing and spam attacks

An Israeli researcher disclosed a Gmail vulnerability, fixed by Google, that exposes an indefinite number of Gmail addresses and business emails. Google company has fixed a critical vulnerability, disclosed by the Israeli researcher Oren Hafif,  that exposes an indefinite number of Gmail addresses. Technically the experts has discovered that it is possible to bruteforce a token […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 11, 2014
Putter Panda APT behind for cyber espionage campaigns, are they members of PLA Unit 61486?

CrowdStrike published a new report which blames the Chinese Putter Panda group for the different cyber espionage campaigns conducted against foreign companies. Putter Panda is the name of bad actor responsible for a series of cyber espionage operations originating in Shanghai, security experts linked its operation to the activity of the People’s Liberation Army 3rd General Staff […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 10, 2014
ICS-CERT warns of possible hack of road signs controlled by Daktronics Vanguard software

ICS-CERT issued an alert for the presence of a hardcoded password flaw in Daktronics Vanguard highway dynamic message sign (DMS) configuration software. Security experts have discovered a new flaw in Daktronics’ Vanguard software which could be remotely exploited by hackers to hack electronic road signs. A week ago, it was reported that Daktronics’ Vanguard dynamic highway message sign (DMS) configuration […]