
Pierluigi Paganini May 13, 2014
Ajax Security Team lead Iran-based hacking groups

FireEye published a report titled “Operation Saffron Rose” to document the activities of the Iranian hacking group named Ajax Security Team According to a recent report titled “Operation Saffron Rose” published by cybersecurity company FireEye, a group called the Ajax Security Team is the principal Iranian hacking group, it is responsible for different espionage campaigns on custom-built malicious software. “This group, which […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 07, 2014
Shiqiang APT cyber espionage using RAT signed with stolen certificates

Security experts at McAfee Labs have discovered a new cyber espionage based on the malware digitally signed with stolel certificates. A recent research of McAfee Labs has identified a series of spear phishing attacks against non governmental entities and activists, the offensives which interested mainly organizations in China were conducted using malicious code signed with stolen digital […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 05, 2014
RedSocks, An interesting vision on Malware trend in Q1

Dutch malware detection company RedSocks has issued its first Malware Trend Report related to the malicious code trends observed in the first quarter of 2014. RedSocks, a Dutch malware detection company which provides netflow-based malware detection service, has published its first Malware Trend Report Labs related to the first quarter of 2014. The report provides precious insights into the trends […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 29, 2014
Adobe zero-day used in watering hole attack against Syrian dissidents

Adobe has just released a security updates for Flash Player to fix critical vulnerabilities that are being exploited by hackers to track Syrian dissidents. Adobe has just released security updates for Flash Player to fix critical vulnerabilities that are being exploited in a series of cyber attacks targeting Syrian dissidents complaining about the government. Early April experts at […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 29, 2014
Evolution of the Russian underground offer

TrendMicro has published an excellent study on the evolution of the Russian underground, detailing products, services and related prices. Max Goncharov has published a new interesting study on the Russian Underground, titled Russian Underground Revisited, one year after the previous report “Russian Underground 101”. Trend Micro report continues its analysis of the services and products offered by cyber criminals in […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 28, 2014
FakeInst – Kaspersky discovered the first active Android SMS trojan

Kaspersky Lab has recently detected FakeInst, the first active SMS trojan for Android which targeted users in 66 countries, including the US. Security experts at Kaspersky Lab have recently detected the first active SMS trojan for Android, which send short messages to premium-rate numbers in 14 countries around the world. The malware, dubbed ‘Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.FakeInst.ef‘ (aka FakeInst) mainly infected mobile […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 25, 2014
A malicious Chrome browser extension is stealing your digital coins

A user raised an alert on Reddit, on the presence of a malicious Chrome browser extension, on the official store, that is able to steal digital coins. Security experts have recently observed a significant increase for the number of malicious browser extensions, malware authors are exploiting the usage of browser addons to conduct illicit activities. Today […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 23, 2014
Kaspersky on SmartTV malware … it’s question of time

Eugene Kaspersky explained that SmartTV are vulnerable to malware-based cyber attacks, it’s a question of time to assist a large-scale infection. In the last months we discussed about possible infection through the Internet of Things, in particular, we focused on cyber attacks on home appliances including Routers, SmartTV, refrigerators and ovens. The number of smart devices […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 21, 2014
The novelties inside the last critical update for P2P Zeus

Which are the security improvements in the critical update proposed by criminal ecosystem for P2P Zeus Botnet? Fortinet experts detected and analyzed it. Security experts at Fortinet have uncovered a critical update proposed by criminal ecosystem for P2P Zeus Botnet. The first P2P Zeus variant was uncovered by Trusteer firm a couple of years ago, it was used […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 19, 2014
Unflod Baby Panda, the Chinese malware hit jailbroken iphone

Unflod Baby Panda is the name of a new mobile malware which is targeting jailbroken versions of Apple iPhone. The threat seems to have China origin. The number of cyber threats against mobile users is in constant increase, on the other hand bad habits like the practice of jailbreak/root the devices and the lack of […]