Experts at Bitdefender have discovered a spam campaign that tricks antispam filters by relying on macros in Empty Word Documents. Security experts at BitDefender observed a new tactic adopted by spammers that rely on emails with an empty Word document in the attachment to bypass anti-spam filters. The social engineering strategy adopted by spammers to lure victims into […]
Experts at Kaspersky Lab compared the Regin module 50251 and the “Qwerty” keylogger discovering that they share part of the source code and functionality. Malware researchers at Kaspersky Lab have uncovered a link between the Regin malware platform and the attack platform cited in the last collection of documents published by Edward Snowden to Der Spiegel magazine. The experts have discovered […]
Scammers are earning advertising revenue by spreading click-fraud malware Tubrosa, which sends compromised computers to their YouTube videos. A new Click-fraud malware campaign aimed at earning money by using the victim’s machine to view YouTube videos and benefits from ads embedded in them. The malicious campaign, discovered by experts at Symantec, has targeted users around the world […]
The NSA has been targeting North Korea and its impenetrable system for a long time. Thanks to the new revelations that have been brought to light, the NSA has aimed to equip the USA for possible digital wars in the near future, using surveillance and digital weapons to enhance its existing power. Though North Korea […]
The French security expert Kafeine has discovered an unpatched vulnerability (0day) in Flash Player is being exploited by Angler Exploit Kit. The Angler exploit kit is one of the most popular crimeware kit and according to the French security researcher Kafeine it was enriched with a fresh Adobe Flash zero-day vulnerability. Kafeine has discovered a new variant of the Angler […]
Hacks in Taiwan security conference has uncovered a malware-based attack involving several online games to spread the PlugX RAT. Experts at Trend Micro have spotted a new malicious campaign based on the popular PlugX RAT, the threat actor behind the attack has bundled the malware with League of Legends (LoL) and Path of Exile (PoE) […]
The Independent institute AV-Test issued an analysis that recorded 143 Million new malware samples in 2014 and 12 million new variants per month. The German independent IT security institute AV-Test has published an interesting statistic on the current diffusion of malicious code, the data reveal that experts noticed 12 million new variants per month. AV-Test provides […]
Security experts at Blue Coat have discovered that criminal criminals exploited the hashtag #JeSuisCharlie in order to spread the popular DarkComet RAT. Every time there is a clamorous event cyber criminals try to take advantage of the people’s interest to run illegal activities, it is happened recently with the incident to the Air Asia Flight and is […]
Malware experts at Symantec discovered a new strain of the notorious Carberp Trojan designed to steal banking credentials and sensitive data from victims. Security experts at Symantec have discovered on December 15 a malicious campaign for distributing of a new strain of the notorious Carberp Trojan. The continuous evolution of Carberp, exactly like other popular malware inclusing […]
Security Experts at Microsoft discovered a new variant of CryptoWall 3.0 ransomware that adopts I2P Anonymity Network for C&C Communications. A new version of CryptoWall ransomware has been detected in the wild by experts at Microsoft, just a week after I reported that Ciscoâs Talos Security Intelligence and Research Group detected a new strain of the same […]