
Pierluigi Paganini February 19, 2014
Linksys routers worm – Released the code for exploit the vulnerability

After SANS researchers detected self replicating work The Moon is spreading among a number of different Linksys routers, its exploit appeared in the wild. Last week I reported the news related to a vulnerability in Linksys routers that’s being exploited by a new The Moon worm analyzed by the SANS Institute’s Internet Storm Center. The Moon […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 18, 2014
Detected new Zeus variant which makes use of steganography

Security experts at Malwarebytes detected a new of the popular Zeus banking trojan variant which makes use of steganography to hide the configuration file. The immortal Zeus malware strikes again, researchers at Malwarebytes have found a new variant of the banking trojan. The new variant of Zeus is using the steganography to disguise the configuration code […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 17, 2014
MOON, the strange worm spreading on Linksys routers

Security researchers at SANS detected a self-replicating malware (dubbed moon worm) is spreading among a number of different Linksys routers. Researchers at the SANS Institute discovered a new self-replicating worm that is infecting different Linksys home and small business routers. The investigation started after an Internet service provider in Wyoming noted an unusual network traffic and decided to alert SANS.  The SANS […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 16, 2014
Malicious apps spread via Google Store packaged with premium SMS scam

PandaLabs has found at least four free apps in the official Google Play store that are packaged with a premium SMS scam. Already 300000 mobile infected. PandaLabs security firm has identified malicious Android apps available on Google Play that can sign up users for premium SMS subscription services without user knowledge.  The malware has infected at least 300,000 Android devices, although the number of […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 12, 2014
JackPOS malware presented as a Java Update Scheduler

JackPOS was detected by security experts at IntelCrawler firm several days ago and it seemed based on code from “Alina”. Attacks on POS are on the rise. A new strain of Point-of-Sale malware named “JackPOS” was discovered by IntelCrawler, a cyber intelligence firm from Los Angeles, confirming the growing trend of Point-of-Sales malware after the Target data breach. JackPOS was detected several days ago […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 11, 2014
The Mask – the most sophisticated APT operation seen to date

Speaking at Kaspersky Lab’s Industry Analyst Summit,Costin Raiu revealed details on The Mask campaign, the most sophisticated operation they’ve seen to date. The Kaspersky team recently announced to have detected a new significant APT campaign dubbed The Mask or “Careto” (Spanish for “Ugly Face” or “Mask”), a group of high-level state-sponsored hackers have been targeting government agencies, […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 08, 2014
Bank of America customers targeted by a new malware campaign

Security experts at AppRiver detected a traffic spam spike linked to a new malware Campaign Targeting customers of Bank of America. Bank of America is being targeted by a new malicious campaign, cybercriminals are spreading a stealthy malicious financial malware to hit the clients of the financial institution. Security experts at AppRiver recently detected and blocked a set of […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 08, 2014
Linkup , the ransomware that blocks Internet access and mines Bitcoin

Emsisoft has detected a new variant of malware dubbed Linkup (Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Linkup), it is ransomware that blocks Internet access and mines Bitcoin. Emsisoft has detected a new variant of malware dubbed Linkup (Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Linkup), it is ransomware presenting a singular behavior. Usually a ransomware locks victim’s computer or encrypts files requesting the payment of a ransom to unlock it, but […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 06, 2014
GCHQ ran DoS attack on chatrooms used by Anonymous and LulzSec

New slides leaked by Snowden, and published by NBC NEWS, reveal that GCHQ ran DoS attack on chatrooms used by Anonymous and LulzSec. The last revelation on the investigation conducted by NBC News on Snowden case reveals that British intelligence GCHQ ran denial-of-service attacks against Anonymous and LulzSec. Documents leaked by the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden reports the […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 04, 2014
Fixed a serious flaw in Adobe Flash Player exploited in “the Mask APT”

Adobe has released security updates for Adobe Flash Player to fix a critical vulnerability exploited in a sophisticated cyber espionage campaign. Adobe has released today a new patch for the Flash Player product to fix a vulnerability which is currently being exploited. The vulnerability (CVE-2014-0497), allows an attacker to remotely take control of the targeted system […]