
Pierluigi Paganini December 27, 2012
Stuxnet is Back! No, new agencies have misunderstood

Everytime a news related to Stuxnet is spread in internet immediately the world wide security community writes on cyber war and the possible consequences of a cyber attacks, but what is really happened this time? Iranian authorities claim to have rejected a new cyber attack against industrial units located in the south of the country, […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 25, 2012
Android malware for SMS spam botnet

Everywhere is possible to read rivers of words on the impressive diffusion of social networks and mobile devices, both technologies used in the last months as privileged channels of attacks due their large audience. We all know how much dangerous are botnets and how many malicious purposes could be achieved with their diffusion, today I […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 19, 2012
Iran, the cyber shooting range, new malware detected

On December 16th the Iranian Maher center issued an advisory warning of a new “targeted data wiping” malware discovered during an investigation. First analysis of the center revealed that the malicious code has a simple as efficient design that allow it to wipe files on different drives in various predefined times. The malware wipes disk partitions […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 16, 2012
Korean cyber espionage campaign against Russia

Cyber espionage is worldwide recognized one of the most concerning cyber threats mainly operated by governments to steal sensible information to foreign states and private companies. FireEye has revealed a cyber espionage campaign, named “Sanny“, attributable to Korea that hosts command-and-control (C&C) servers used in the attacks, the C&C channel is embedded on a legitimate page […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 10, 2012
Skynet, the potential use of Tor as a bulletproof botnet

On September 2012 the German security firm G Data Software detected a botnet with a particular feature, it is controlled from an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server running as a hidden service of the Tor. There are pro and cons for this design choice, of course the greatest advantage resides in the difficulty for the localization of the […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 07, 2012
How were stolen 36M euro with Eurograbber malware

Zeus, a name that security experts know very well, it’s one of the most prolific and dangerous malware of the history. In the years several versions have been detected, it’s one of the first malware for which it has been applied an excellent business model that made possible its evolution in cybercrime, unique constant is the […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 06, 2012
Sophos Security Threat Report 2013, today … tomorrow

Sophos was one of the first security firms that has published a report, Sophos Security Threat Report 2013, on current status of security landscape making predictions for incoming year. The document propose an interesting overview on most common and dangerous cyber threats attempting to determine the level of penetration by different countries. The factors that […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 03, 2012
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency hit again by malware

The New Your Times has recently published the news the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency was hit by a virus that stolen secret information on newest rockets from an internal computer. The precious information was stored from a computer in Tsukuba Space Center located in northeast area of Tokyo, where it has been detected a malware that […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 25, 2012
W32.Narilam, the malware that hit databases in the Middle East

Symantec has published an interesting alert on a new agent named W32.Narilam that has been designed to damage corporate databases. Recently we have always thought to malware as dangerous agents used to steal information such as banking credentials or to be used in cyber espionage operation. This is one of the different ways to monetize the […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 23, 2012
The Flame is “ignited” between the U.S. and France

French weekly news magazine L’Express has reported that offices of France’s former president Sarkozy were hit by a cyber espionage campaign back in May 2012. Few days before the second round of the presidential election won by Hollande the President’s office was infected by Flame malware, within the compromise PCs also the one of Sarkozy’s […]