Security experts from FireEye demonstrated that Hacking Team leveraged iOS vulnerability to install fake messaging apps implementing a Masque Attack. Another news related with the leak of the Hacking Team‘s hack, this time it was discovered that Hacking Team was capable of compromising IOS devices, even if they weren’t jailbroken. To accomplish this, Hacking Team […]
Trend Micro revealed that Android users are threatened by another vulnerability coded as CVE-2015-3823 which traps mobile phones in endless reboots. Still problems for Android users! A few days ago security experts at Trend Micro discovered a serious flaw in Android OS that can be exploited to crash mobile devices, just before it was announced the Stagefright […]
Apple’s iOS 8.4 operating system for Mac OS X can be jail broken now, thanks to the Untethered Jailbreak tool released by the Chinese jailbreaking team TaiG Apple’s iOS 8.4 operating system for Mac OS X can be jail broken now, thanks to the Untethered Jailbreak tool released by the Chinese jailbreaking team TaiG. Quite […]
Researchers from Trend Micro discovered a new critical vulnerability in the Android mobile OS that can be exploited to crash mobile devices. Experts from Trend Micro discovered a new vulnerability, an integer overflow bug in the Android mediaserver service, that affects versions of Android starting with 4.3 Jelly Bean and up to 5.1.1 Lollipop. The flaw […]
Android users are threatened by a new vulnerability dubbed Stagefright in the popular Google mobile OS, which allows hackers to gain control of the system without raising suspicion. Another disconcerting aspect of the Stagefright flaw is that it potentially affects 95% of Android devices running version 2.2 to 5.1 of the Google OS (roughly 950 million smartphones […]
Mobile Malware is growing and crooks are targeting the advertising industry to redirect users to ad pages in a sort of Advertising hijacking. Mobile Malware is growing and crooks are targeting the advertising industry with malicious codes able to redirect users to ad pages, this practice is known as Advertising hijacking. These “rogue mobile apps” […]
A study conducted by HP’s Fortify on security features implemented by Smartwatches revealed that not even a single device found to be 100 percent safe. Today we talk about a great passion of mine, watches. Let me tell you that I’m not attracted by Smartwatches, I consider watches and their gears a work of art […]
Android devices, from Ice Cream version to Jelly Bean were p0wned with RCSAndroid RAT, one of the most professionally developed and sophisticated malware. Since the leak of Hacking Team hack, every day in security area have been inundated with news about some vulnerability, exploit, etc. etc., and still more news are yet to come out. […]
Researchers have discovered a critical local privilege escalation (LPE) vulnerability in the Mac OS X operating system, but Apple will fix only by October. German researcher Stefan Esser, founder of security audit company SektionEins, has discovered a local privilege escalation (LPE) vulnerability in the Mac OS X operating system that affects OS X 10.10.x. Esser decided to […]
A new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter arrived! Every week the best security articles from the best sources free for you in your email box. A new Zero-Day Vulnerability arises from Hacking Team hack Hacking Team Another Flash Zero-Day: CVE-2015-5122 Hacking Team by Numbers – The Infographic Hacking Team chief: Were the GOOD GUYS […]