
Pierluigi Paganini July 13, 2015
1 Million Android Users were infected by Gaming Apps

Researchers discovered a malicious Android Trojan disguised as gaming app that was served through the official Google Play more than 1 Million times. We already explained that Google Play Store was abused several times to serve malicious applications, a practice that is very common and everyday new bogus apps are proposed on the official store […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 12, 2015
Security Affairs newsletter Round 17 – Best of the week from best sources

A new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter arrived! Every week the best security articles from the best sources free for you in your email box. Anonymous India hacked BSNL website and compromised more than 30 Million records Cisco Unified CDM platform open to cyber attacks Argentine finds messenger to shoot after e-vote vuln allegations […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 03, 2015
GDATA on Android malware. 4,900 new strains discovered every day

Every 18 seconds a new mobile Android malware is discovered in the wild as reported in the G DATA Malware Report Mobile for Q1 2015. Security firm GDATA has published a report on mobile malware detected in the first quarter of 2015. The researchers discovered 440,267 new strains of Android malware, a new malware strain for […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 01, 2015
Apple issues a fix for Masque Attacks, but apps are still open to hack

Although Apple has fixed the Masque Attack there are still other attack scenarios that an attacker can exploit in the installation process on iOS. A team of researchers at FireEye has revealed that the last update issued by Apple only partially fixed the two vulnerabilities exploited in the Masque Attack (CVE-2015-3722/3725, and CVE-2015-3725). The two exploits […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 17, 2015
More than 600 million Samsung S devices open to hack

More than 600 million Samsung S devices could be opened to cyber attacks because a flaw in the validation of language pack updates for the SwiftKey keyboard. More than 600 million Samsung smartphones could be opened to cyber attack due to the presence of a security flaw in the validation of the  Swiftkey language pack updates. The […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 11, 2015
iOS 9 improves security with Six-Digit Passcode and 2FA

Apple’s iOS 9 will force users to strengthen the device passcode and improve the two-factor authentication mechanism. Apple is revealing a series of improvement for its new iOS 9, today we have discussed the content blocker announced by Apple, and the company now announced new measures to improve the security of its devices. The iOS9 will substitute the 4-digit […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 11, 2015
Adblock in Safari may die with IOS 9 ad-killer feature

Apple announced a series of improvement for it IOS 9, including a content blocker can kill a lot of applications similar the popular AdBlock. A lot have been talks about IOS 9, and now looks like Apple included an ad-blocking feature in its OS, I would say it is a great news for its customers, […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 11, 2015
Apple iOS flaw exploitable to steal user password with a phishing email

A security expert demonstrated how to exploit a vulnerability in Apple IOS system to steal user password with a phishing email. A new vulnerability that affects Apple’s iOS could be exploited by hackers to collect user passwords by using a single email. Jan Soucek (@jansoucek) , a forensic expert at Ernst and Young has developed […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 05, 2015
How to easily hack a WhatsApp Account?

TheHackerNews has reported a simple trick that allows to hijack a WhatsApp account easily on every mobile platform by knowing the victim’s phone number. The popular mobile messaging app WhatsApp is vulnerable to hijacking exposing hundreds of Millions of users vulnerable to attack. It could be quite easy to take over a WhatsApp account when the attacker […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 31, 2015
Security Affairs newsletter Round 11 – Best of the week from best sources

A new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter arrived! Every week the best security articles from the best sources free for you in your email box. The Phantom Menace, who targeted the oil tankers? Hi-tech car thieves use ÂŁ30 jamming devices in car parks Researcher who exploits bug in Starbucks gift cards gets rebuke, not […]