
Pierluigi Paganini October 05, 2014
Bash bug and risks posed by incomplete patches, discovered other two additional bugs

The security researcher Michal Zalewski revealed the details of other two additional bugs he discovered in the Bourne Again Shell after the Bash Bug case. IT community worldwide has been shocked by the discovery of the Bash Bug flaw, a vulnerability that was present in the popular Bash component for more than two decades. While principal […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 04, 2014
How to transform USB sticks into an undetectable malicious devices

Two researchers Brandon Wilson and Adam Caudill released their attack code to reprogram USB sticks and use them as an undetectable hacking instrument. Recently, two independent researchers, Brandon Wilson and Adam Caudill, have released the code which can reprogram, benign USB devices turning them in malicious components. The experts published the code on the Github raising the question related […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 03, 2014
Signed CryptoWall ransomware distributed via top websites

A digitally signed version of the popular CryptoWall ransomware is distributed via five Alexa top-ranked websites in a widespread malvertising campaign. Security experts at Barracuda Labs have discovered a new variant of CryptoWall ransomware in the wild, the new strain of malware presents a valid digital signature and it is being delivered as part of a widespread malvertising […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 02, 2014
China replies to Hong Kong protests with spyware, MITM and censorship

Security experts speculate that the Chinese government is using mobile spyware, MITM attacks and Internet monitoring to control Hong Kong protesters. In the last days I published the news regarding a spyware used to spy on activists in Hong Kong, a Fake Occupy Central app is targeting the smartphones of the activists belonging to the Occupy Central […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 02, 2014
DARPA ASOM technology identifies counterfeit microelectronics

DARPA announced the deployment of the ASOM technology which will be used to inspect critical equipment to detect counterfeit microelectronics. The presence of counterfeit microelectronics in cybersecurity equipment is considered a critical problem for the US Government, in military sector the hardware qualification has assumed a crucial importance for national cyber security strategy. The US DARPA supports the development of the […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 30, 2014
Europol issued 2014 iOCTA report on evolution of cybercrime

The Europol issued 2014 Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (iOCTA) report to provide details about on-going developments in the cyber criminal ecosystem. The Europol European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) has issued the 2014 Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (iOCTA) which describes the evolution of cybercrime an the models of sales adopted in the criminal ecosystem. This ‘Crime-as-a-Service‘ business […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 30, 2014
Apple released a patch for the Shellshock vulnerability

Apple has just released its patch for the Shellshock vulnerability. The company provided an update for the OS X Lion, Mountain Lion and Mavericks. A few days ago the Internet community was shocked by the revelation on a new critical flaw, dubbed Bash Bug, which affects the Bash component in billion of Unix and Linus […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 30, 2014
A mobile spyware used to track activists in Honk Kong

A Fake Occupy Central app containing a spyware is used by unknown to track activists in Hong Kong. Evidences suggest the involvement of Chinese entities. A Fake Occupy Central app is targeting the smartphones of the activists belonging to the Occupy Central pro-democracy movement with spyware. The malicious app  has circulated online claiming to be an instrument […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 29, 2014
SHA-1 has been deprecated, what can I do?

The SHA-1 cryptographic hash algorithm has been known vulnerable, Collision attacks against it are too affordable and attacks will get cheaper soon. Many websites today are using digital certificates signed using algorithms based on the hash algorithm called SHA-1. Hashing algorithms are used to ensure the integrity of the certificate in the signing processes, a flawed […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 28, 2014
ShellShock could be used to hack VoIP systems

Jaime Blasco at AlienVault Labs explained that ShellShock vulnerability could be  exploited to hack Voice over IP systems worldwide. The Shellshock Bash is monopolizing the debate on the Internet security in these days, every vendor is assessing its product to verify the impact of the critical vulnerability Bash Bug (CVE-2014-6271). Apple recently announced that its Mac OS X based […]