
Pierluigi Paganini July 31, 2014
Zero-day flaws affect Symantec Endpoint Protection

Pen Testers at Offensive Security discovered Zero-day flaws in Symantec Endpoint Protection that could be exploited to gain full system access. Yesterday I reported the results of the study conducted by the security researcher Joxean Koret which publicly revealed a series of flaws affecting 14 of 17 major antivirus engines. The security experts remarked that antivirus products are […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 31, 2014
Discovered attacks to compromise TOR Network and De-Anonymize users

On July 4 2014 Tor Team discovered a group of malicious relays that they assume were trying to deanonymize Tor Network users with confirmation attack technique. Tor network is an excellent technology to ensure users’ online anonymity, thanks to the Tor network users can hide online activities, staying far from the prying eyes of governments and […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 30, 2014
Serious security issues affect 14 of 17 major antivirus engines

Joxean Koret, a security researcher at Singapore-based consultancy COSEINC, has publicly revealed a series of flaws which affect major antivirus engines. The security researcher at Singapore-based consultancy COSEINC, Joxean Koret, has discovered different flaws in 14 of 17 major antivirus engines. The researcher has presented the results of his study (PDF) at the recent SyScan 360 security conference in […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 30, 2014
Millions of Android devices exposed to fake ID flaw

Android devices are affected by a critical vulnerability which allows a malicious app to impersonate a trusted application inheriting its permissions. Researchers at Bluebox Security have discovered a critical vulnerability in millions of Android devices that allow a malicious app to impersonate a trusted application in a stealthy way, allowing a bad actor an attacker to perform different malicious actions. […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 29, 2014
seL4, Hack-proof DARPA-derived micro kernel goes open source tomorrow

DARPA-derived secure micro kernel seL4 goes open source tomorrow, it is the a first prototype mathematically proven and hacker-repelling software. The National ICT Australia (NICTA) has completed the development of the first micro kernel mathematically proven seL4 to be bug free, its  project will be released as open source tomorrow and could be deployed on drones to prevent hacking. The formal-methods-based […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 29, 2014
Misusing Digital Certificates

Excerpt from the post “How Cybercrime Exploits Digital Certificates” which details means and motivation of illicit activities which abuses digital certificates. Digital certificates have been misused many times during recent years. Bad actors abused them to conduct cyber attacks against private entities, individuals and government organizations. The principal abuses of digital certificates observed by security […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 29, 2014
Kaspersky uncovered the complex infrastructure of Koler ransomware

Researchers at Kaspersky Lab issued a report on the Koler ransomware, which is targeting both Android devices and desktop browsers. Experts at Kaspersky Lab published a report titled “Koler—The Police Ransomware for Android” that examines how bad actors behind the Reveton campaign have operated, Koler ransomware recently targeted Android users. The report on the Koler malware is more […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 28, 2014
Instagram Adroid App affected by account session Hijacking flaw

A security researcher disclosed a serious issue on Instagram’s Android Application which could be exploited by an attacker to impersonate a victim. A security issue related to Instagram Mobile App for Android expose the users’ account to serious risks of data breach. A security researcher discovered that the Instagram Mobile App is affected by a Hijacking vulnerability which could be […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 27, 2014
European Central Bank victim of an attempt of cyber extortion

Hackers steal user contact information and other data from a database of the European Central Bank website in an attempt of extortion. Financial institutions are under attack, the number of cyber attacks against banking industry is increasing constantly, last malicious campaign discovered in order of time is the Operation Emmental. A few days ago, bad […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 25, 2014
Mayhem Malware is targeting Linux and FreeBSD servers

A security team at Russian Internet firm Yandex has identified a botnet based on a malware dubbed Mayhem which is targeting Linux and FreeBSD web servers. Security experts at Russian Internet company Yandex have detected a new strain of malware dubbed Mayhem which is targeting server based on Linux and FreeBSD OSs.  Yandex is a Russian company which operates the […]