
Pierluigi Paganini January 06, 2014
French satellites sold to UAE may contain backdoored components

UAE wants terminate a contract with French companies for the supply of two Falcon Eye spy satellites due the presence of security compromising components. United Arab Emirates could cancel a contract with Frence for the supply of  two intelligence satellites due the discovery of what was described as “security compromising components.” The UAE claims it […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 06, 2014
Malware served through Yahoo advertisements

Dutch security firm Fox IT discovered an ongoing malware-based attack that hit thousands of Yahoo users via malicious ads. Users are alerted. Since the December 30th Yahoo website is proposing a malicious ad that was serving a malware, the discovery was made by Dutch security firm Fox IT. Visitors to the Yahoo website see the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 04, 2014
Netgear, Linksys and many other Wireless Routers have a backdoor

The French hacker Eloi Vanderbeken discovered the presence of a backdoor in principal models of routers including Netgear, Linksys and Cisco. The presence of a backdoor in the commercial routers it is no more a surprise, we found flawed firmware in the popular D-Link in the past and now it seem that a similar problem […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 02, 2014
Skype’s blog and Twitter account compromised by Syrian Electronic Army

The Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) have compromised Skype ‘s Twitter account and blog to protest against the support provided to NSA surveillance programme. Syrian Electronic Army has conducted first hack of 2014 hitting Skype,  the group of hackers want to remind us that nothing is secure and that netizens will never accept the monitoring of […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 02, 2014
DROPOUTJEEP – How NSA completely controls your iPhone

Leaked documents shared by Der Spiegel show how NSA spyware codenamed DROPOUTJEEP can spy on every Apple iPhone. Apple denies any claim. Users buy the iPhone, NSA controls them. This is not a slogan for the last Apple advertising, it is the uncomfortable truth revealed by another set of NSA documents leaked by Snowden and […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 31, 2013

CDM (CYBER DEFENSE MAGAZINE) PRESENTS: CYBER WARNINGS DECEMBER 2013 EDITION The December edition of the free Cyber Defense Magazine is out. Don’t miss it.   SPONSORED BY RSA CONFERENCE 2014 Read each FLIPBOOK edition electronically, online and flip through the page: CYBER WARNINGS E-MAGAZINE:  DECEMBER 2013 CYBER DEFENSE MAGAZINE: ANNUAL EDITION FOR 2013 Download a color PDF […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 31, 2013
Russian hacker HASH took control of a BBC server

The Russian hacker known as “HASH” and “Rev0lver” took control of a BBC server and attempted to sell access to it to other cybercriminals. A hacker compromised a server at the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) and started a Christmas Day campaign to sell the access to the machine to other cyber criminals. The evidences of […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 30, 2013
Der Spiegel – TAO hacking elite unit and NSA backdoor catalog revealed

Der Spiegel revealed that the TAO unit of NSA planted backdoors to access computers, hard drives, routers, and other devices from principal vendors. Germany’s Der Spiegel has published another disturbing article on the NSA surveillance activities, the media agency has published an internal NSA catalog that offers spies backdoors into a wide range of equipment from […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 29, 2013
eBay XSRF flaw allows attacker to make unauthorized purchases

EBay website is vulnerable to XSRF (Cross-site request forgery) attack that would allow an attacker to hijack an account and make unauthorized purchases. A new flaw has been discovered in the official EBay website, the vulnerability allows an attacker to hijack an account and make unauthorized purchases from the victim’s account. The flaw is not […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 27, 2013
Samsung Knox Android-based solution contains a serious flaw

An Israeli security researcher from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev’s Cyber Security Labs has discovered a serious security flaw in Samsung Knox. Samsung Knox is affected by a serious flaw, the discovery was made by an Israeli security researcher, Mordechai Guri, from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev’s Cyber Security Labs. Samsung Knox is […]