
Pierluigi Paganini January 02, 2017
UK security minister: ISIS would launch chemical attacks in the UK

The ISIS seeking to launch mass-casualty chemical attacks in Europe said security minister Ben Wallace. The UK security minister Ben Wallace declared terror group wants to carry out mass casualty attack in Britain UK by ‘whatever means possible.’ According to the minister, members of the ISIS have “no moral barrier” to using chemical weapons against the helpless […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 27, 2016
ISIS use of Telegram has definitively surpassed Twitter

Telegram is the ‘app of choice’ for ISIS members, its use has definitively surpassed Twitter and other social media platforms. Do you want to investigate ISIS activities, you have to be aware that Telegram is today its privileged channel for propaganda. The use of the popular encrypted messaging app is widespread among the militants of […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 26, 2016
The Turkish Government is investigating more than 10,000 people in terror probe

The Turkish Government is investigating 10000 people suspected of terror-related activity on the internet,accused of propaganda or apologizing for terrorism The Turkish authorities are investigating more than 10000 individuals over online terror activities. The suspects are accused of being responsible for the sharing of material and post against government officials. According to the Interior Ministry, […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 25, 2016
Moscow wants Apple to unlock iPhone of the killer of the Russian Ambassador

The Russian and Turkish authorities asked Apple to unlock iPhone belonging to the assassin of Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov. The Russia’s ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, was killed on Monday during an exhibition in Ankara. The killer is a lone Turkish gunman that shouted “God is great!” and “don’t forget Aleppo, don’t forget Syria!” The shooter was killed […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 11, 2016
UK National Security Strategy, Cyber Security is a top priority

The UK Government published the first annual report on the implementation of the 2015 National Security Strategy. The strategy considers cyber security a top priority alongside the resurgence of state-based threats (Russia’s actions in Syria and Ukraine) and the terrorism (extremism and instability). When dealing with the impact of technology, especially cyber threats the report […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 02, 2016
The Immaterial Khilafah – Global Intelligence Insight Report

As the coalition forces started to enter the Iraqi city of Mosul, many have seen Al-Baghdadi’s speech as desperate plea, exhorting his fighters to stand and fight for the Caliphate until their dying breath while he was cowardly running away from the fray. “Turn the disbelievers’ night into day, bring destruction to their homes, make […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 30, 2016
Data on Europol terrorism investigations accidentally leaked online

According to a Dutch television program data on several investigations into the terrorism groups conducted by the Europol were accidentally leaked. According to Dutch television program Zembla, data on several investigations into the terrorism groups conducted by the Europol were accidentally leaked online. According to the program, the dossier contained information about 54 different police investigations, including […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 14, 2016
Were the Recent Arrests in Ohio Part of ISIS ’ Catastrophic Plan for the US?

On November 7, Southern Ohio’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) arrested Aaron Travis Daniels, of Ohio, on terror-related charges as he was attempting to travel to Libya to become an ISIS fighter. Daniels, age 20, who goes by the aliases Harun Muhammad and Abu Yusef, had allegedly “communicated his commitment to violent overseas jihad” in […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 04, 2016
ISIS Is Watching you: Islamic State Hacking Team Shares Access to Security Cameras Around the Word

BLACKOPS Cyber (BOC) reported to the authorities that a well-known ISIS hacking team was sharing access links to widely used surveillance systems. BLACKOPS Cyber (BOC), a U.S. based Cyber Intelligence firm, located a new type of threat in October which is indicative of the latest focus of the terrorist organization – technical resource development for […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 24, 2016
Discovery of Weapons Cache Reignites Fears ISIS Will Use Chemical Weapons in Battle for Mosul

The battle in Mosul of the international coalition against the ISIS is expected to become the largest battle fought in Iraq since the US-led operation in 2003. According to the Iraqi army, approximately 50 villages have been taken from the ISIS since last Monday, as the army prepares for the onslaught on Mosul, where 5,000 […]