Pierluigi Paganini December 08, 2014
Xbox Live service down again due to a new DDoS attack by the Lizard Squad

Xbox Live online service was not available for the second time in a few days due to a new DDoS attack by the Lizard Squad hacking team. Just a week ago the hacking team Lizard Squad has hit the Xbox Live service with a DDoS attack that caused its interruption.  The Microsoft’s Xbox Live servers were not […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 03, 2014
Xbox Live service brought down by a DDoS attack run by The Lizard Squad team

Xbox Live online service was not available overnight after hackers belonging to the  Lizard Squad hacking team hit it with a DDoS attack. Last night the Microsoft Xbox Live’s online service was interrupted, after Sony Pictures another company suffered a major cyber attack. This time the Xbox Live service was hit by a severe DDoS attack that […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 24, 2014
How hackers are exploiting vulnerable DVRs to conduct illegal activities

Security experts discovered a new malware that targets DVR and other Internet of Things devices recruiting them for different illegal activities. DVR, abbreviation for Digital Video Recorders systems, from Hikvision firm are affected by vulnerabilities that allow an attacker to hack them remotely. Digital Video Recorders are systems used to record surveillance footage of office buildings and […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 20, 2014
Operation Distributed Dragons, thousands of machine compromised worldwide

Operation Distributed Dragons – Tiger Security firm has discovered a series of DDoS attacks from China and that appear as run by a structured organization. Security experts at the Italian Tiger Security firm have spotted a new wave of DDoS attacks that were originated in China and that appear as run by well organized APT. The expert identified […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 18, 2014
Analyzing the HIGH-TECH CRIME TRENDS 2014 Report

Group-IB published the annual HIGH-TECH CRIME TRENDS 2014 Report, a document focused on high-tech crimes associated with traditional computer crime. Group-IB, a leading company in cybercrime prevention and investigations, has issued its annual report titled “GROUP-IB REPORT: HIGH-TECH CRIME TRENDS 2014″ which cover the second half of 2013 and the first half of 2014. The report is one of […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 16, 2014
Millions vulnerable UPnP devices vulnerable to attack

Researchers at Akamai firm have issued a report on reflection and amplification DDoS attacks exploiting vulnerable UPnP devices worldwide. Researchers at Akamai firm have observed an increase of new reflection and amplification DDoS attacks exploiting Internet of Things devices (e.g. SOHO devices, routers, media servers, web cams, smart TVs and printers), which that misuses communications protocols. The […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 12, 2014
Tsunami SYN-Flood DDoS Attack, a dangerous trend

Experts at Radware DDoS protection solution provider recently have discovered a new form of DDoS attack they dubbed “Tsunami SYN Flood Attack.” Radware DDoS protection solution provider recently discovered a new category of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, according the experts of the company it is a type of SYN flood dubbed “Tsunami SYN Flood Attack.” In just 48-hour period […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 01, 2014
Ello Social Network knocked down by a cyber attack

Ello, the new social network which is considered the anti-Facebook, was knocked down on Sunday by a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. In these days, many articles reported the born of Ello, a new social network considered as a possible antagonist of the giant Facebook. Ello creator considers it as a “tool for empowerment” […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 26, 2014
Spike botnet runs DDoS attacks from IoT devices

Experts at Akamai spotted a new malware kit named Spike which is used by bad actors to run DDoS attacks through desktops and Internet of Things devices. According to Akamai’s Prolexic Security Engineering & Response Team (PLXsert) a new malware kit dubbed Spike was used by bad actors to run DDoS attacks through routers, smart thermostats, […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 16, 2014
New BoSSaBoTv2 botnet targeting vulnerable Servers

Trustwave has detected a new series of attacks on servers worldwide based on the exploitation of old CGI-PHP vulnerability to spread BoSSaBoTv2 botnet. It was 2012 when security experts discovered a security flaw (CVE-2012-1823) in some PHP builds that could be exploited by a threat actor to remotely execute commands on the affected server, if PHP was […]