Anonymous maintained its promises, the hacktivists announced that would have gone forward to prove the inefficiency of the companies complicit of Australian Government. They have leaked data from the AAPT , Australia’s third largest land line telecommunications company, victim of a data breach occurred during the last week. Anonymous has published data tonight, it seems […]
The hacktivists of Anonymous are always on and always operating despite many experts continue to downplay the importance and effectiveness of its operations. In recent days the name of the collective was involved in a clamorous revelations for his contribution in the dissemination of precious “Syria Files” a collection of correspondences that detect uncomfortable murky […]
Big outcry on Wikileaks that last week has published more that 2.4 million emails allegedly obtained from continuous hack against Syrian government and organizations connected to the regime. The correspondence of “Syrian political figures, ministries and associated companies” between August 2006 and March 2012 has been defined embarrassing for the government of Damascus and its […]
In today’s society technology plays a crucial role and is used as a new cultural vehicle, and even aggregation element or carrier to express dissent against the policies of governments and private companies. Groups such as Anonymous are maximum expression of a phenomenon defined “Hacktivism” that refers the usage of computers and computer networks […]
We live in the cyber era, governments measure their capabilities in the cyberspace with reciprocal attacks of increasing complexity.Every government is developing an adequate cyber strategy investing huge quantity of money in the establishment of cyber units, on formation of groups of cyber experts and on the development of new cyber weapons. In this scenario […]
Money motivates the cyber assault to banking by cybercrime, but the finance world is also considered a privileged target for sponsored-state attacks as part of cyber offense strategies. Let’s consider that the banking world is profoundly changing, the introduction of mobile devices, social networks, the openess to web services, the coming of new technologies such […]
Article Published on The Hacker New Magazine – May Edition “They are Not What You Think they Are … they are hacktivists” During the last couple of years, we have witnessed the escalation of operations conducted by the Anonymous group, the collective of hackers that is expressing a social dissent through cyber attacks. In modern society, […]
The story that I desire to report seems the plot of a movie, Khosrow Zarefarid an Iranian software manager after finding security vulnerability in Iran’s banking system tried to inform the management of the affected banks preparing a detailed report. As usually the bank’s manager ignored the alert so the Iranian expert decided to demonstrate the […]
Everything started last week when has been announced that a laptop stolen from NASA during last year contained command codes used to control the International Space Station. The news is sensations as worrying, is it possible to store so sensible information without using any precaution like disk encryption. Are we discussing about an isolated case […]
What are the main dangers for our infrastructures? Too much threats which any country is exposed. The situation is bleak, suddenly the sectors of defense found themselves vulnerable to cyber threats. Once nations shown their proud arms, flaunt power, intimidating opponents in this way. Today the way of fighting is radically changed, the battleground is […]