
Pierluigi Paganini March 11, 2023
PrometeiĀ botnet evolves and infected +10,000 systems since November 2022

A new version of the PrometeiĀ botnet has infected more than 10,000 systems worldwide since November 2022, experts warn. Cisco Talos researchers reported that the PrometeiĀ botnet has infected more than 10,000 systems worldwide since November 2022. The crypto-mining botnet has a modular structure and employs multiple techniques to infect systems and evade detection. The Prometei botnet […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 26, 2021
Prometei botnet is targeting ProxyLogon Microsoft Exchange flaws

Attackers are exploiting the ProxyLogon flaws in Microsoft Exchange to recruit machines in a cryptocurrency botnet tracked as Prometei. Experts from the Cybereason Nocturnus Team have investigated multiple incidents involving the Prometei Botnet. The attackers hit companies in North America and threat actors exploited the ProxyLogon Microsoft Exchange flaws (CVE-2021-27065 and CVE-2021-26858) to deliver malware in their networks. Attackers […]