Social Engineering

Pierluigi Paganini April 08, 2014
Symantec on a fake voting campaign used to steal Facebook credentials

Security experts at Symantec observed a new phishing campaign based on a fake voting application used to steal victim’s credentials. Phishing is a very dangerous threat for Internet users, nearby classic techniques new forms of phishing are exploiting new platforms like mobile and social networks. Phishers continuously improve their techniques to be able to harvest […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 06, 2013
A Zero-Day Vulnerability in Microsoft Graphics Component – CVE-2013-3906

Microsoft Zero-day CVE-2013-3906 – Microsoft informed to be aware of a vulnerability in a Microsoft graphics component that is actively exploited in targeted attacks using crafted Word documents sent by email. A new zero-day vulnerability has been found a Microsoft product that could allow attackers to install a malware via infected Word documents. The Microsoft […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 20, 2013
Original fishing scheme against Poste Italiane

Security Experts at Sophos have detected a new phishing campaign against the Italian brand Poste Italiane that makes use of an efficient social engineering technique. Sophos experts detected this week an intriguing case of phishing against the Italian postal service Poste Italiane, the scheme attracted the researcher’s attention due the reuse of an old social […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 17, 2013
In the mind of cybercriminals – The Boston Marathon attack

To fight the cybercrime we must start thinking like criminals, they are people motivated solely by money and the need to monetize every operation. I wrote, like many other colleagues, various articles on phishing attacks and their potential effects, of course the success of this attack is based on the capacity of attackers to deceive […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 27, 2013
First APT attack on Android targeted Tibetan & Uyghur activists

Read about APT attacks has become customary, even easier to hear of attacks against political dissidents or minorities as Tibetan and Uyghur activists, but never before has been exploited the Android platform for this type of offensive. In the past Tibetan minorities have been already targeted with malware able to infect Windows and Mac OSs, […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 06, 2012
Sophos Security Threat Report 2013, today … tomorrow

Sophos was one of the first security firms that has published a report, Sophos Security Threat Report 2013, on current status of security landscape making predictions for incoming year. The document propose an interesting overview on most common and dangerous cyber threats attempting to determine the level of penetration by different countries. The factors that […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 16, 2012
The malware factory

Article Published on The Hacker New Magazine – June Edition “Malware” With the term malware we refer a heterogeneous family of malicious software designed with the purpose to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain unauthorized access to victims systems. With the term we indicate in fact several types of malicious code such as computer […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 13, 2012
Cyber security during sporting events

Excerpt from the article published on the last edition of PenTest AUDITING & STANDARDS 05 2012.  The article offers an overview on cyber security issues relating to sports events, competitions that are a priority target for terrorists and cyber criminals. What weight has the information security component on the overall organization? An analysis of the main types of computer attacks and possible consequences in a highly critical contest such as a sporting event. Introduction Whenever we see a major sporting event we […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 22, 2012
LinkedIN – Vulnerability in the authentication process and related risks

A serious vulnerability has been found in the authentication process of the popular network LinkedIN, the news published on the Spanish blog of the security expert Fernando A. Lagos Berardi. The article published reports that a vulnerability in LinkedIn allows obtaining user’s password. For the authentication process LinkedIn adopts a token in login phase that can […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 30, 2012
Social Media, exercise or not exercise the control

Exercise or not exercise the control, that is the question that divides major governments on the social networks surveillance and social media, at the center of heated debates. Always consider myself an avid supporter of freedom of expression and free access to the network, but what I want to do in this post is to […]