Breaking News

Pierluigi Paganini May 02, 2015
New Google Password Alert extension already hacked

A few hours after the presentation of the Google Password Alert extension a researcher already have developed two methods to bypass it. A few hours ago, Google released the Password Alert extension that was designed to warn users when they are submitting their Google credentials to fraudulent websites. “Here’s how it works for consumer accounts. Once you’ve […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 01, 2015
Password for systems at a London rail station revealed during a TV documentary

The passwords for the signal system of the control room at the Waterloo rail station in London were disclosed during a TV documentary. We cannot think of lock down the house if we leave the keys in the lock outside, something of similar occurred recently to at French network TV5Monde. Following the successful attack against the network […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 01, 2015
Chinese AntiVirus vendor Qihoo is cheating on AV tests

Chinese Antivirus vendor Qihoo submitted products specifically tuned for the major testing labs, while was offering something different to its users. The news is disconcerting, the Chinese security firm Qihoo (CHEE-hoo) 360, is providing to its  hundreds of millions of users a product that differs from the one the it has submitted to the major testing […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 01, 2015
Why hackers target background investigation databases

Foreign hackers are targeting background investigation databases to blackmail US government personnel or to try to bribe them. It is not a mystery that Chinese hackers continuously target US companies and government offices, the attackers usually backed by the Government of Bejing mainly run cyber espionage campaigns to steal intellectual property and any kind of information related to person […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 30, 2015
Flawed password reset procedure exposes Betfair accounts

Experts demonstrated the presence of critical vulnerabilities in the password recovery procedure of the website of the online betting exchanges Betfair. A security expert discovered a flaw in the password recovery process on the website of online betting exchanges Betfair. Betfair is one of the world’s largest online betting exchanges, and this vulnerability represents a […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 30, 2015
Unknown hackers have stolen €4.6m from Ryanair bank accounts

The Dublin’s Criminal Assets Bureau discovered that unknown hackers have stolen €4.6m from Ryanair bank accounts transferring them to a Chinese bank. Airline company Ryanair suffered a cyber attack that allowed hackers to steal millions of dollars from its business bank account. According to reports, the hackers have stolen €4.6 million (US $5 million), investigators discovered that the […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 30, 2015
Macros based malware on the rise (Once Again)

Microsoft is observing a major spike in the volume of malware using macros since the beginning of the year. The infection method was very common in the past I remember when I was starting my career, around 2006 that a lot of the existent malware would arrive to their victims trough Word/Excel macros, and that […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 30, 2015
Canadian Woman arrested for Spying through webcams

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has arrested a Canadian woman accused of remotely taking over victims’ PCs and spying on them using webcams. Canadian Federal police has arrested a woman last week that was accused to have hacked several computers to take over their webcams. The suspect is a 27-year-old woman that is the allegedly administrator […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 30, 2015
A flaw in Realtek SDK exposes SOHO routers to the attack

A flaw affecting Realtek SDK exposes SOHO routers to remote code execution attacks. List of vulnerable devices include D-Link and TRENDnet products. The security expert from DVLabs security researcher and content developer at HP Enterprise Security Ricky Lawshae discovered a (CVE-2014-8361) vulnerability that affects Realtek SDK used for RTL81xx chipsets. The exploitation of the vulnerability allows a […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 29, 2015
Hacker Implants NFC Chip to Bypass Military Security Scans

A security researcher implanted an NFC Chip in his Hand to bypass security scanners in high-security environment and exploit Android mobile devices. I confess that I’m curious about some news, but at the same time I’m worried about the “penetration” of technology in our lives.  This is the case of a security researcher that used an […]