The T9000 backdoor discovered by PaloAlto Networks is able to infect victims’ machines to steal files, take screengrabs, and records Skype conversations. A new threat is targeting Skype users, it is a backdoor trojan dubbed T9000 that is able to infect a victimâs machine to steal files, take screengrabs, and record conversations. The T9000 backdoor was spotted […]
A hacker accessed an employee’s email account at the Department of Justice and stole 200GB of files including records of 9,000 DHS staffers and 20,000 FBI employees. Yesterday, the data related a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) staff directory were leaked online, a Twitter account shared the link to an archive containing 9,355 names. The responsible […]
The reuse of login credentials on Taobao exposed more than 20 million accounts on Alibaba’s websites to attacks. According to the state media reports, hackers have targeted over 20 million active accounts on Alibaba Group’s Taobao e-commerce website using Alibaba’s own cloud computing service. The Chinese Giant detected the attack in “the first instance” and responded […]
Russian authorities raided offices of a Russian film distribution and production company as part of an operation against the Dyre gang. Russian law enforcement and intelligence agencies in November raided offices of a Russian film distribution and production company as part of an operation against one of the world’s most notorious cybercrime ring. The authorities […]
Experts at the SANS Technology Institute spotted an OS X scareware campaign that leverages fake Adobe Flash Player installers. Johannes Ullrich, security expert at the SANS Technology Institute, spotted an OS X scareware campaign that leverages fake Adobe Flash Player installers to trick users into downloading malicious software. The expert discovered the malicious campaign while analyzing […]
Operators running websites based on the WordPress must be aware of a spike in the number of compromised platforms used to deliver the TeslaCrypt ransomware. Administrators running websites based on the popular WordPress CMS must be aware of a spike in hacks that are resulting in the silent delivery of ransomware to the visitors. According to […]
Unknowns have pwned the Dridex botnet and are using it to spread a legitimate copy of the Avira Antivirus software instead the malicious payload. This story is very intriguing, someone has hacked a portion of the dreaded Dridex botnet and replaced malicious links with references to installers for the Avira Antivirus. The Antivirus company denies […]
A former Department of Energy (DoE) employee, Charles Harvey Eccleston [62], has been charged with trying to steal and sell nuclear secrets to foreign governments. A former employee at the Department of Energy (DoE), Charles Harvey Eccleston [62], has pleaded guilty of cyber espionage. The man attempted to infect al least 80 colleagues at the […]
Security experts at Kaspersky Lab have discovered a new Cross-Platform backdoor dubbed DropboxCache Backdoor ported from Linux to Window. Security experts at Kaspersky Lab have discovered a new Cross-Platform backdoor dubbed DropboxCache (Backdoor.Linux.Mokes.a), initially affecting Linux systems and now migrated to Windows. The backdoor allows attackers to gain complete control over the victim’s machine, it also […]
Anonsec group hacked NASA network and released a data dump of data online. The hackers also hijacked a Global Hawk drone. Hackers belonging to the AnonSec group have released online 250GB of data stolen from systems at the NASA, the hackers revealed to have hijacked a drone the Agency uses to run high-altitude testing and sampling […]