According to a new report published by the Kaspersky Lab, the Sofacy APT has recently increased its activities. According to a new report published by the Kaspersky Lab, the Advanced persistent threat group Sofacy (also known as APT28 , Fancy Bear, Sednit, and STRONTIUM) has increased its activity. The Sofacy group has been active since 2008, targeting mostly military […]
A criminal named Hacker Buba after asking UAE bank for $3 million ransom started leaking customer data online. Last week a hacker, who named itself as ‘Hacker Buba,’ breached a United Arab Emirates Bank, then he start tweeting customers’ information announcing the disclosure of tens of thousands of customer files online if a $3 million […]
The RCMP Cybercrime Strategy aims to improve Canada’s national police force in its fight against the rising and evolving threat of cybercrime. Canadian Authorities consider online crimes serious threats to the Homeland security. Several times law enforcement tried to identify members of hacking crews like Anonymous, but in many cases the investigations haven’t obtained satisfactory […]
Roger Thomas Clark the alleged mentor of Ross Ulbricht, the owner of the most popular black market Silk Road, has been arrested in Thailand. The alleged mentor of Ross Ulbricht, the owner of the most popular black market Silk Road, has been arrested in Thailand and charged with conspiring to traffic drugs and money laundering. Roger Thomas Clark (54) […]
Experts at Russian anti-virus firm Dr.Web discovered Rekoobe, a new malware that is targeting Linux systems. Rekoobe is a new malware that is targeting Linux systems, the discovery was made by experts at Russian anti-virus firm Dr.Web. Dr.Web discovered the Rekoobe Trojan in October, then its experts analyzed the threat in the following two months. The Rekoobe Trojan was initially developed […]
According to the Symantec firm, a growing number of threat actors in the wild are targeting professionals on LinkedIn with fake LinkedIn profiles. LinkedIn is a privileged platform for intelligence gathering, a growing number of hackers are targeting professionals to collect information about their activities and networks. I daily refuse dozens connection from fake LinkedIn […]
Ponmocup is one of the oldest botnet that infected more than 15 million machines across the years, but many experts still ignore it. Ponmocup is one of the largest and oldest botnets in circulation, but many security experts still ignore it. According to the experts at Fox IT, the botnet is underestimated and infected across the years […]
Trend Micro uncovered a large-scale operation dubbed Black Atlas operation, in reference to notorious BlackPOS PoS malware. It’s Christmas time also for crooks, in this period the number of credit card breaches and scams increases with alarming punctuality. In the US, we use to assist an increase of credit card breaches involving PoS malware, last victims in […]
The Chinese Government says it has arrested the hackers responsible for breaching the Office of Personnel Management database (OPM). The Chinese government has arrested hackers accused of breaking into the Office of Personnel Management databases, According to The Washington Post, the Chinese government has arrested the hacking crew that breached the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). “The Chinese […]
It is Christmas time and sellers are offering a wide number of products and services in the Black marketplace. 50c buys login for stolen media accounts. Cyber criminals are offering for sale ‘lifetime’ Netflix, HBO, and cable sports streaming accounts for low prices. Sellers of the on the AlphaBay Marketplace, a black marketplace hosted on the […]