Find out why there is increased risk of hacking during Black Friday and Cyber Monday and learn how to remain protected online. Black Friday is here and so is Cyber Monday, with all the special seasonal offers that many consumers are craving! However, it seems that these are the days for which hackers have been […]
The FBI is convinced that there is a single hacker behind the theft of login credentials for over 1.2 Billion online accounts, his name is MrGrey. According to a report published by the Reuters, the FBI is convinced that there is a single hacker behind the theft of login credentials for over 1.2 Billion online accounts, his […]
Researchers from SEC consult analyzed more than 4000 firmware’s embedded devices, where is included devices belonging to 70 vendors. The findings are astonishing! Researchers from SEC consult analyzed more than 4000 firmware’s embedded devices, where is included devices belonging to 70 vendors. The categories of devices analyzed include Internet gateways, routers, modems, IP cameras, VoIP […]
Russian criminals Steal $4 Million In cash with a new technique dubbed reverse ATM Attack. Russian hackers have adopted a new technique, dubbed Reverse ATM Attack to steal Millions of dollars from ATMs of financial institutions. According to the experts at security firm GroupIB, the Reverse ATM Attack allowed criminal rings in Russia to steal 252 Million […]
The hotel chain Hilton Worldwide Holdings announced Tuesday that cyber criminals stole credit card information from some of its point-of-sale systems. The hotel chain Hilton Worldwide Holdings admitted that crooks stole credit card information from some of its PoS systems, but hasn’t provided detailed info on the extent of the data breach. The company Hilton Worldwide is warning its […]
Pearson VUE, the world biggest learning, testing and certification company has announced that its Credential Manager system (PMC) has been breached. On their website, Pearson VUE gives us some details of what might have happened, even though they donât share who is the responsible for this breach. “We recently were made aware that an unauthorized […]
A new RAT dubbed GlassRAT was discovered by RSA, it targets mainly Chinese citizens working in multinational companies in and outside China. According to the experts at RSA a remote access Trojan (RAT) dubbed GlassRAT managed to avoid detection by most antivirus software for several years. The researchers explained that GlassRAT was used by threat actors in highly targeted attacks, the threat […]
ModPOS is new POS malware discovered in systems of US retailers after the rush of Thanksgiving and experts speculate it is the most complex POS malware ever seen. A new POS malware was discovered in US retailers, after the rush of Thanksgiving, and it looks like millions of US bank cards were affected. The new […]
“Want to keep using the pacemaker? “” pay us 2 bitcoins” Experts fear that ransomware will start targeting medical devices. Technology has a huge role in our lives, we depend on it even more, including our smartwatch and also our medical device. Unfortunately, we usually forgot that even our medical devices, the ones they help […]
According to Kaspersky Lab, bad actors in the Russian underground have stolen more than $790 Million over 3 years, from 2012 to 2015. According to the experts at Kaspersky Lab, Russian criminal rings have stole roughly $790 Million over 3 years (from 2012 to 2015), more than $500 million of that is from victims located outside the […]