Anonsec group hacked NASA network and released a data dump of data online. The hackers also hijacked a Global Hawk drone. Hackers belonging to the AnonSec group have released online 250GB of data stolen from systems at the NASA, the hackers revealed to have hijacked a drone the Agency uses to run high-altitude testing and sampling […]
According to a new report from Panda Security more than 84 million new malware samples were detected over the 2015, 27% of all malware of ever. In 2015, security experts have detected the a record number of new malware, according to a report published by Panda Security more than 84 million new malware samples were collected. […]
The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), a US Police Organisation, has been hacked and 2,5GB data dump leaked online. A data dump related to a US police association has been leaked online, as well as a backup containing personal information belonging to the member of a forum. The data dump results from the data breach […]
Malaysia extradited a hacker charged by DoJ with stealing the personal data of US members and passing it to the ISIS. A former computer science student accused of supporting the ISIL terrorist group has arrived in the US to face charges. The former computer science student Ardit Ferizi is charged with hacking crimes and providing support to […]
The British branch of the HSBC bank has suffered for the second time in a month a cyber attack that brought its services offline. It’s happened again, HSBC customers were not able to access the online services of the bank due to a DDoS attack that hit the financial institution. “HSBC UK internet banking was attacked this morning. […]
Security Experts at FireEye discovered a new strain of POS malware dubbed CenterPOS that is threatening the retail systems. In the last 2/3 years, we have seen a significant increase in the number of POS malware, their diffusion is becoming even more worrying. We read about many high-profile breaches that involved high-complex malware targeting payment systems […]
The cPanel Inc. company that manages the popular web hosting account management tool is warning customers about a possible data breach occurred over the weekend. According to the cPanel firm customers’ account information may have been compromised, hackers tried to access a database containing users’ data, including names, salted passwords, and contact information. cPanel Inc. added that […]
ENISA has issued the annual ENISA Threat Landscape 2015 a document that synthesizes the emerging trends in cyber security I’m very happy to announce the publication of the annual ENISA Threat Landscape 2015 (ETL 2015), this is the fifth report issued by the European Agency. The ENISA Threat Landscape 2015 summarizes top cyber threats, experts have identified […]
The Turkish security researcher Utku Sen was blackmailed by hackers behind the Magic ransomware to close his projects. The developers behind the open source-based “Magic” ransomware are blackmailing the creator of Hidden Tear and EDA2 in order to force the developer to abandon the projects. Recently I have written about the RANSOM_CRYPTEAR.B ransomware developed Utku Sen starting from a proof-of-concept […]
According to Palo Alto Networks’ Unit 42 the Chinese APT group Codoso has been targeting organizations in various industries in a new wave of cyber attacks. The group of experts at Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 have uncovered a new cyber espionage operation conducted by the Chinese AT Codoso (aka C0d0so0 or Sunshop Group). The Codoso hacking crew has been […]