Russia Today media agency has been hacked by unknown attackers just after Putin’s order to move troops to the Crimea was approved by the Parliament. The tension between Russia and Ukraine also has repercussions in the cyberspace where Russia Today, Russian principal news channel website ( has been hacked and defaced by an unknown group of […]
Hold Security firm discovered more than 360 million newly stolen credentials and around 1.25 billion email addresses available for sale on the black market. The Hold Security firm has discovered a huge volume of data for sale on the online black market, it includes credentials from more than 360 million accounts and around 1.25 billion email addresses. […]
YouTube users were targeted by a classic drive-by download attack by exploiting client Java software vulnerabilities and serving Caphaw Banking Trojan. What about using YouTube to spread malware? YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, view and share videos, it has great appeal to the users and represents one of the bastions of the Internet. The website was […]
iBanking is a new mobile banking Trojan available for sale in the underground for $5,000 according the RSA’s FraudAction Group. The source code for iBanking banking trojan has been leaked online through an underground forum, this kind of news reports a serious threat from the cybercrime ecosystem. Like happened for other trojan, including Zeus and Carberp, the […]
Security researchers at InterCrawler discovered a Banking trojan which infected a large number of devices the Middle East belonging to Islamic Banks. IntelCrawler cyber intelligence firm discovered a large fraud campaign against major Islamic banking institutions. The attackers have used a sizable mobile botnet, more than 27 000 intercepted SMS-messages were detected between April 2013 and […]
Mobile devices security – Lookout proposed an interesting analysis for the mobile threats observed during 2013, specifically for adware and chargeware. Mobile is probably one of most pervasive technology, during 2013 for the first time we saw the overcoming in the number of mobile devices over those desktops in some countries, the downside is that the […]
Discovered a Zeus variant that implements a web-crawling feature to hit Software-as-a-service applications to obtain access to proprietary data or code This is the second news on Zeus malware in less than a week, previous one was related to a new variant using steganography to hide configuration file, this last discovery is related to a version even more […]
Security expert Dancho Danchev profiled hacking for hire services offered in the underground, providing an indication of their prices. In the past we have already analyzed the diffusion in the underground of hacking for hire services, a term coined to define the sale of hacking services made by cyber criminals for a limited period of time. Surfing […]
Hold Security reported it has discovered a list of credentials for close to 7,800 FTP servers being circulated in cybercrime forums in the Deep Web. FTP servers are considered a privileged target for cyber criminals, hackers can exploit them for example to spread malware infecting webservers that rely on FTP applications for updates. The Hold Security firm […]
Security researchers from FireEye have recently discovered a new IE 10 Zero-Day exploit being used in a watering hole attack. Security experts at FireEye discovered a new IE 10 Zero-Day exploit (CVE-2014-0322) being used in a watering hole attack on the US Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) website. The zero-day allows the attacker to modify one byte […]