Cyber Crime

Pierluigi Paganini February 12, 2013
Adobe 0-days exploited for IEEE aerospace spearphishing attacks

Last week Adobe released a patch for Adobe Flash that fixed a zero day vulnerability, CVE-2013-0633, that is being exploited using Microsoft Office files with embedded flash content delivered via email. The vulnerability is not isolated, it is circulating the news of a new one coded CVE-2013-0634 being exploited trough web browsers such as Firefox and Safari […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 10, 2013
Bit9 hacked, stolen digital certificates to sign malware

The week ended in the worst way for the security company Bit9 that last Friday announced that hackers had stolen digital certificates from its network and have utilized it to sign malicious code. Bit9 is a popular a company that provides software and network security services to a lot of important private firms and also to […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 09, 2013
Whitehole Exploit Kit in the wild

Exploit kit, a name which has become depressingly familiar, crimaware kit that contains malicious code to exploit principal vulnerabilities in large consume product such as browsers, last news is that a new kit named Whitehole has emerged on the underground market. Generally the exploit kits are malicious Web-based applications designed to install malware on computers […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 05, 2013
US Department of Energy hit by a sophisticated cyber attack

It seems that suddenly US have discovered to be victim of a serious of cyber espionage campaigns that are targeting every sector from media to military and every time seems that is a must to blame the nightmare China. A report published in 2012 by the U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission revealed that “U.S. industry […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 04, 2013
PiceBOT crimeware hit Latin American banking

In the last weeks we discussed on the efficiency of exploit kits, malicious tool kits  that allow to the attackers to exploit a huge quantity of vulnerabilities in victims systems. These products are largely diffused in the underground where is possible to find different tools usable for various purpose, most precious are those kit that […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 01, 2013
Cyber espionage campaign against Americans news agencies – NYT

The news is sensational as granted one of the most important journal, the New York Times has announced that during the last months it was victim of cyber espionage coordinated by Chinese hackers probably state-sponsored attackers. The attacks happened in concomitance with the investigation of the journal, published on Oct. 25th, that revealed that the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 25, 2013
The rise of exploit kits according to Solutionary SERT

Today I desire to discuss about a very interesting study by Solutionary’s Security Engineering Research Team (SERT) that shared the results related an analysis on malware and exploit kits diffusion observed with its solution ActiveGuard service platform. The platform has collected and analyzed malicious events that hit company clients globally, the data have been provided […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 23, 2013
Russian government wants to strengthen its cyber defense,what’s new?

Russian President Vladimir Putin is considered one of the political figures most attentive to the development of a suitable cyber strategy to protect his countries from cyber attacks. Putin is an intelligent man who has always understood the strategic importance of cyberspace, according many experts he has always invested in the development of cyber capabilities, […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 20, 2013
New variant of banking malware Shylock spread via Skype

The news is very concerning, a new variant of the banking malware known as Shylock has been detected, it includes the capability to spread over Skype. Shylock is an old acquaintance for security community, the malware was detected for first time in 2011 by experts from Trustee firm, it is used to steal banking credentials from its […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 19, 2013
Bouncer, new phishing variant from RSA

Despite simplicity of the schema phishing attacks have increased exponentially in the last years targeting every sector,both public and private. RSA’s October Online Fraud Report 2012 revealed a worrying scenario, phishing attacks increased up 19% over the second half of 2011, the total loss for various organizations has been estimated to $2.1 billion over the last […]