Cyber warfare

Pierluigi Paganini April 21, 2016
The Australian government presents its Cyber Security Strategy

The Australian government has presented his Cyber Security Strategy and admitted the ability to conduct offensive cyber operations. The Australian Government announced its cyber security strategy that includes AU$230 million spending over four years to improve the resilience to cyber attacks of the national critical infrastructure. The strategy is very complete, it includes defensive aspects […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 20, 2016
“Restricted” NATO manual accidentally leaked to boat operators

Incredible, secret plans for NATO exercise Joint Warrior 161 were accidentally sent to Scottish fishermen and ferry operators emails. During the First World War, allied forces were able to read a lot of German radio traffic because of codebooks falling into allied hands.  Eerily reminiscent of those days, NATO forces recently ran into a similar scenario, […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 19, 2016
The Four Element Sword, weaponized document builder used in APT Attacks

Experts analyzed a dozen attacks that leveraged on malicious RTF documents created using the same Four Element Sword builder. Security experts at Arbor Networks’ Security Engineering and Response Team (ASERT) have spotted a tool used in advanced persistent threat (APT) attacks against organizations in East Asia. The researchers have analyzed a dozen attacks that leveraged on malicious Rich […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 13, 2016
Is there electronic warfare behind the block of Swedish air traffic control systems?

Swedish experts warned of an electronic warfare attack on its air traffic control systems occurred in November. Is it electronic warfare? Swedish experts suspect that the attack on its air traffic control systems last November was operated by Russian nation-state hackers, the Arlanda, Landvetter and Bromma airport reported the major problems. The Swedish experts believe the cyber attacks were […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 05, 2016
APT6 compromised the US government networks for years

The federal bureau of investigation issued an alert related the APT6 state-sponsored hacking group that has compromised the US Government networks for years. The FBI revealed that “a group of malicious cyber actors have compromised and stolen sensitive information from various government and commercial networks” since at least 2011. The alert was published online by AlenVault […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 04, 2016
US and UK Will Simulate a Cyber Attacks on nuclear plants in 2016

US and UK are planning to simulate a cyber attacks on nuclear plants, to test their resilience in the light of the nuclear security summit. In the light of the recent events with the terrorist attacks in Europe, the fear of other similar threats becomes greater by the minute. Coordinates cyber attacks on nuclear plants would […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 31, 2016
Marine Corps Cyberspace Warfare Group, the new hacker unit

The United States Marine Corps has launched on March 25th a new hacker support unit named Marine Corps Cyberspace Warfare Group. It is unnecessary to remind the importance of cyber capabilities in the current military environment. Government and military corps are investing to improve their cyber abilities and exploits the immense possibilities offered by the cyberspace […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 25, 2016
Seven Iranian Hackers indicted by the US government for hacking

US authorities announced charges against seven Iranian hackers for attacking computer systems at banks and a dam in New York. A couple of days after the US DoJ announced that three components of the Syrian Electronic Army were inserted by the FBI in the Most Wanted list, today the US authorities announced charges against seven Iranian nationals for hacking […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 24, 2016
Chinese hacker admitted hacking US Defense contractors

A Chinese national pleaded guilty yesterday, March 23, on charges with hacking trade secrets from US defense contractors. A Chinese national pleaded guilty yesterday, March 23, on charges with hacking trade secrets from US defense contractors. The man, Su Bin (also known as Stephen Su and Stephen Subin), 50, had been charged in a 2014 indictment with […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 19, 2016
SCADA hacking – Hackers with ability to cut the power is a real threat

The Ukranian power blackout has demonstrated the worrying effects of the SCADA hacking, other countries like UK fear similar attacks. All the warnings from security experts throughout the years have unfortunately been disregarded, when it comes to the hackers’ threats in strategical spots, such as that of power generation. As a result, hackers have acted […]