Digital ID

Pierluigi Paganini March 03, 2015
Cognitive Fingerprints, the new frontier of authentication

DARPA is working on Cognitive Fingerprints authentication process to validate the user identity through the use of software based biometrics. Security plays a crucial role in today’s world. Whether it is a multi-billion organization or a single person with a computer, security is important for all. One of the pillars for cyber security is the […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 02, 2015
Facebook Policies and New Terms of Use Have Been under Scrutiny in Europe

A recent report about the privacy policy of Facebook has shed light to potential problems and disagreements with legal concerns in the EU. There is a recent report from Belgium focusing on the revised terms of use that have to do with Facebook. Due to its enormous popularity even apart from the fact that it’s […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 08, 2015
Samsung SmartTV models transmit voice, and more, to a third-party service

Samsung SmartTV transmits data to a third party, be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information. We have discussed several times about the privacy and security issues related to the Internet of Things devices, Smart meters and Smart TV are intelligent devices that could be exploited by hackers to collect our sensitive […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 01, 2015
Three credit card transactions could reveal your identity

A recent study on the use of metadata to de-anonymize users revealed that three credit card transactions could reveal your identity. Privacy is the great utopia of a society based on the technology, every action we make leaves a track that could be used to reveal our identity, track our profile and monitor our habits. We have […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 30, 2015
Mozilla continues the phasing out of 1024-bit SSL CA certificates

Mozilla products including the Firefox browser will stop trusting SSL certificates that were issued using old root CA certificates with 1024-bit RSA keys. Mozilla products including the popular Firefox browser will stop trusting SSL certificates that were issued using old root CA certificates with 1024-bit RSA keys. With this decision Mozilla wants to stress certificate authorities (CAs) […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 07, 2015
Insider Theft affects a tenth of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Clients

Insider theft at Morgan Stanley affected nearly the ten percent of the company’s wealth management clients, the company officially confirmed the incident. The financial services company Morgan Stanley has confirmed a partial client data leak, the incident was confirmed by the firm in a statement published on its website. Morgan Stanley reported that an employee posted […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 09, 2014
Take care of Recovery Key for Apple Two-step verification system to avoid permanently lock Apple account

If you lose your recovery key with two-step verification Apple can’t help you.By forgetting Recovery Key could completely lock a person out of their account More that one year ago Apple has introduced the two-step verification system to implement a two-factor authentication process and improve security for Apple IDs. Since March 2013 Apple has progressively extended […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 04, 2014
New Google API simplifies the reCAPTCHA experience

Google has simplified the authentication process by introducing an updated CAPTCHA that simply asks users whether they are a bot. Google’s new API simplifies the reCAPTCHA experience, product manager Vinay Shet said. Google has provided a significant update to its reCAPTCHA authentication system with the intent to simplify the process. The CAPTCHA is a type of […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 28, 2014
The Twitter App Graph feature will track users mobile apps for commercial purposes

Twitter announced app graph, it will now track every mobile app its users have Installed on their smartphones and tables.  Privacy advocates arise. Twitter announced the implementation of the “app graph” function that will allow the company to provide “more personal Twitter experience” by serving targeted advertisements by serving targeted advertisements. This means that also Twitter, like […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 20, 2014
Detekt is the free tool to detect state spyware on phones and PCs

Amnesty International launches Detekt tool to scan for state surveillance spyware on phones and PCs, it was developed by security expert Claudio Guarnieri. A group of security and technology experts that fight for the respect of human rights experts have launched a new tool dubbed Detekt that allow the detection of the government surveillance malware on […]