
Pierluigi Paganini January 23, 2015
Google account hijacking via exploitation of XSS flaw

Security Expert Brett Buerhaus has discovered a critical flaw  on admin.google.com, which could be exploited by to Hijack an account and disable 2FA Authentication. Even the giants have their Achilles heel, the Google Apps administrator console is affected by a critical cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability that could be exploited by attackers to force a Google Apps admins […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 21, 2015
TURNIPSCHOOL – DIY NSA spying technology from the NSA Tao catalog

Researchers have presented the TURNIPSCHOOL project and other activities that replicate NSA surveillance implants with cheaper and off the shelf components. In December 2013, the popular cyber security expert Jacob Appelbaum, with the support of Der Spiegel news agency, disclosed the NSA’s catalog of surveillance. “Germany’s Der Spiegel has published another disturbing article on the NSA surveillance activities, the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 20, 2015
GoDaddy fixed a CSRF flaw that allows Domain takeover

A security expert discovered a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) flaw to take over domains registered with GoDaddy, the company has already fixed it. The security engineer Dylan Saccomanni discovered a critical cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in GoDaddy domain management console that could be exploited by attackers to take over domains. The vulnerability was discovered on January 17 […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 20, 2015
Car hacking – Progressive Dongle exposes vehicles to attacks

A security researcher demonstrated that “car hacking” is reality through the exploitation of vulnerable Can Insurance Dongle. Million vehicles at risk. Car hacking is a reality, we have discussed the topic several times and we have learned that modern vehicles have a complex internal networking infrastructure that could be subject to cyber attacks. The news […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 20, 2015
Two flaws affect some version of the popular VLC media player

The VLC open-source media player is affected by two security vulnerabilities that can allow an attacker to run arbitrary code on vulnerable machines. Some versions of the popular VLC open-source media player are affected by two memory corruption vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an attacker to run arbitrary code on vulnerable machines. The couple of vulnerabilities was […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 20, 2015
Chinese Government runs a MITM attack against Microsoft Outlook

GreatFire revealed that the popular Microsoft Outlook emailing service was subjected to a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack in China. This time the popular Outlook email service was allegedly hacked by Chinese authorities. The Outlook email service was not reachable in China over the weekend and according the to experts at the GreatFire organization, Chinese Government run a man-in-the-middle […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 19, 2015
Verizon FiOS app flaw exposes 5 Million Customers’ accounts

Security expert discovered a critical flaw in Verizon’s FiOS mobile app that could be exploited to access the email account of any Verizon customer. A new critical vulnerability in exposing million accounts to cyber threats, this time the flaw affects the Verizon FiOS mobile app and could be exploited by attackers to access the email account […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 19, 2015
Anonymous supports FBI investigation of US CENTCOM hack

FBI seems to consider seriously the list of IP addresses involved in the hack of US CENTCOM social media accounts and provided by members of Anonymous. The FBI is investigating on IP addresses released by the Anonymous collective in a wake of the hijacking of the US CENTCOM social media accounts. Anonymous members have collected the IP […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 18, 2015
ADB Pirelli Home routers in Spain and Argentina affected by critical flaws

The Spanish security researcher Eduardo Novella has disclosed details of two critical vulnerabilities affecting a specific ADB Pirelli home wireless router. The security researcher at Dutch security audit firm Fox-IT, Eduardo Novella, has discovered two critical vulnerabilities affecting a model of ADB Pirelli home wireless router. Novella decided to publicly disclose the vulnerabilities because the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 15, 2015
Notepad++ site hacked by a pro jihad group

The website of the popular Notepad++ editor was hacked and defaced by hacktivists protesting against the recently released “Je suis Charlie” edition. Members of the Tunisian  hacking crew named “Hackers of the Fallaga Team” have compromised and defaced a large number of French websites following the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack. Hundreds of French websites have been […]