
Pierluigi Paganini March 14, 2012
Surgical malware attack agains US via Iran

Sometimes warfare operation and cyber crime are really difficult to distinguish, especially when the cyber scenario is related to country that is facing with rising political tension such as Iran. I refuse to call cyber criminals, a group of expert hackers who made himself the protagonist of a complex story from different points of view. The […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 13, 2012
Why consider an enemy Iran and not Russia?

There is no doubt that through the analysis of the operations of a State in cyber space it is possible to create a political profile of the country itself, discover the level of technology available and design covenants and relations with other countries. Not a day passes without discussion on the hostile Iran, which would seem […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 11, 2012
Spying on Facebook and not only, it’s emergency

A few days ago I wrote an article on cyber espionage and its higher incidence in the computer crimes. What are the figures who most frequently perform operations of this type? An interest in cyber espionage has been demonstrated by government agencies in search of sensitive information and information relating to industrial technologies used by […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 06, 2012
Mud against Anonymous using Zeus malware

Symantec company recently has disclosed the news that the collective Anonymous has deceived his supporters favoring the spread and installing of Zeus malware on their machines. The charge is heavy and would undermine the trust that underpins the recruitment methods of the collective, it seems that all supporters who have participated to various Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 05, 2012
NASA unprepared for cyber attacks

Everything started last week when has been announced that a laptop stolen from NASA during last year contained command codes used to control the International Space Station. The news is sensations as worrying, is it possible to store so sensible information without using any precaution like disk encryption. Are we discussing about an isolated case […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 04, 2012
Monitoring or censorship? The big fear

Published on The Hacker News Magazine – March 2012 During the last years we have seen the tendency to use social media as a major vector for the exchange of information. The communication concept has been totally revolutionized as billions of people could be in contact with a few clicks thanks to the social network platforms. Imperative is to be social, no matter if […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 28, 2012
Stratfor on Iran, Palantir and Goldman Sachs

It is impossible to argue otherwise, after one days from the publication of mail stolen during the hack to Stratfor, it’s time to analyze them in the light of political events in recent years. More than a surprise in many cases we have had confirmation on the controversial work made by governments, companies and security […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 27, 2012
Wikileaks & Anonymous, new alliance against dirty affairs

The day has come, WikiLeaks began publishing more than five million emails from Texas-based global security think tank company Stratfor, a global intelligence firm. This time WikiLeaks has chosen a strategic partner, the international Internet hacktivist group of Anonymous, two forces that together are able to frighten the world’s great, the new alliance against dirty affairs. […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 24, 2012
Cyber arms race, too many shadows on the future

The Mehr News Agency has published a declaration of brigadier general Gholamreza Jalali collected during an official conference that demonstrate the high interest in warfare of Iran. “The US is downsizing its army for bigger cyber defense infrastructure. So countries like Iran also have to set up and upgrade their cyber defense headquarters and even [build] […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 22, 2012
Critical infrastructures & manipulation of the name Anonymous

What are the main dangers for our infrastructures? Too much threats which any country is exposed. The situation is bleak, suddenly the sectors of defense found themselves vulnerable to cyber threats. Once nations shown their proud arms, flaunt power, intimidating opponents in this way. Today the way of fighting is radically changed, the battleground is […]