
Pierluigi Paganini August 20, 2014
New malware based attacks hit opponents in Syria and all over the world

Security Experts at Kaspersky Global Research & Analysis Team have discovered several malware based attacks targeting opponents of the Regime in Syria. Malware is the most diffused cyber threat used by governments to track opponents and foreign governments, in the past security experts have already detected malicious codes targeting individuals oppose to the regime of Bashar al […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 19, 2014
Kaspersky revealed that Stuxnet Exploits is still used worldwide

Experts at Kaspersky discovered that Stuxnet exploits targeting a Windows Shell Vulnerability is still largely used in cyber attacks. Stuxnet has changed the history of malware development, it is considered the fist cyber weapon used by a government in an act of Information Warfare. As remarked by most popular security experts, the militarization of the […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 18, 2014
Malware is threatening virtual machines

Malware is the primary threats for enterprise virtual machines according to report a recent report issued by Symantec Symantec recently issued the “Threats to virtual environments” report to analyze principal menace for virtualized environments. The report is very actually and considers the rapid diffusion of the virtualization paradigm within enterprises. According to Forrester Research more than 70 […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 15, 2014
Bad Actors rebuild from scratch the Gameover Zeus Botnet

Experts at Arbor networks discovered a new variant of GameOver Zeus Botnet which implement DGA scheme. Recently law enforcement agencies have taken down the GameOver Zeus botnet with a multinational effort, but a few weeks later, researchers at Seculert spotted a new variant in the wild, which implements a domain generation algorithm.Investigators from FBI and Europol […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 15, 2014
Reading the Malware Trend Report, Q2 2014 issued by RedSocks

RedSocks Malware Research Labs issued the Malware Trend Report Q2 2014, which contains data evolution of principal cyber threats observed in the second quarter of the year. The Dutch company specializing in Malware detection RedSocks Research Lab. Has published the second quarterly trend report for 2014. The experts have analyzed large numbers of malicious files […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 14, 2014
AdThief malware infected jailbroken Apple devices

Malware expert Axelle Apvrille explained how the iOS AdThief malware infected more than 75000 jailbroken iOS devices hijacking millions advertisements. More than 75,000 jailbroken iPhones have been infected by a Chinese malware which were used by cyber criminals to hijack nearly 22 million advertisements and steal revenue from developers on the iOS jailbreak community. The […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 11, 2014
Sophisticated evasion techniques adopted in the Op Poisoned Hurricane

Researchers at FireEye have uncovered a new campaign dubbed Poisoned Hurricane characterized by the use of some clever techniques to avoid being detected. Security experts at FireEye revealed that several Internet infrastructure service providers in the United States and Asia, a financial institution, a government organization located in Asia and a US-based media company suffered […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 09, 2014
1million Android devices infected by Xshqi Worm on Chinese Valentine’s day

One million Android devices in China were infected with an Xshqi SMS worm on August 2, the day the country celebrated Valentine’s Day. Experts at Kaspersky Lab revealed that a  malware, dubbed Trojan.AndroidOS.Xshqi.a, infected neatly 500,000 Android devices in just six hours last week in China, but Chinese media provided a more pessimistic estimate declaring that the […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 08, 2014
Poweliks the persistent malware which doesn’t install any file

Experts at GData discovered Poweliks, a persistent malware able to infect machines without installing any files on the targeted machine. Researchers at GData software have discovered a new surprising strain of malware named Poweliks which is able to infect systems and steals data without installing any file onto the victim’s machine. This malware maintains persistence storing its components […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 08, 2014
Disclosed 40 GB of data of FinFisher government spyware related to alleged Gamma hack

A Hacker claims to have hacked the network of Gamma International firm and he has leaked docs related to the malware-for-government FinFisher. Earlier this week the British company Gamma International appears to have been hacked and a collection of files from its systems have been leaked on the Internet. The security firm is popular because it […]