
Pierluigi Paganini January 24, 2015
5800 Gas Station Tank Gauges vulnerable to cyber attacks

Rapid7 revealed that more than 5000 Automated tank gauges (ATGs) used to prevent fuel leaks at gas stations in US are vulnerable to remote cyber attacks. A recent research conducted by HD Moore of Rapid7 revealed a disconcerting truth, the Automated tank gauges (ATGs) used to prevent fuel leaks at more than 5,000 gas stations in […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 23, 2015
Google account hijacking via exploitation of XSS flaw

Security Expert Brett Buerhaus has discovered a critical flaw  on, which could be exploited by to Hijack an account and disable 2FA Authentication. Even the giants have their Achilles heel, the Google Apps administrator console is affected by a critical cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability that could be exploited by attackers to force a Google Apps admins […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 23, 2015
Google ProjectZero disclose details for three OS X 0days on Apple

Google ProjectZero disclosed the details of 3 new OS X zero-day vulnerabilities, but experts believe that they could be exploited by hackers to run attacks. If you thought the ProjectZero team worked only to find flaws in Microsoft systems you are mistaken, this time the excellence crew has discovered three more zero-day vulnerabilities affecting the Apple’s […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 22, 2015
Dotcom launches MegaChat for end-to-end encrypted audio and video communications

The entrepreneur Kim Dotcom has launched MegaChat, a new feature on that allows end-to-end encrypted audio and video communications. The Internet community is even more scared by continuous violation of the privacy for this reason IT community is looking new solutions that could protect users’ experience online from prying eyes. Government could be snooping in our […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 22, 2015
Schneider Electric SCADA Gateway contains Hard-Coded FTP Credentials

Narendra Shinde of Qualys Security has identified multiple vulnerabilities in Schneider Electric’s ETG3000 FactoryCast HMI Gateway. ICS-SCADA systems are critical components of for our society, they are often vital system inside critical infrastructure, but we still continue to discover naive vulnerabilities in the software they run. The latest surprising discovery was made by security experts […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 21, 2015
Ubuntu patched several security vulnerabilities

Ubuntu has released several patches for security vulnerabilities in different versions of the OS, including some CSRF, DoS and remote code execution flaws. Ubuntu has patched several security vulnerabilities that affect different OSs, some of them are affecting Thunderbird client included in Ubuntu release and could be exploited to remotely run arbitrary code. Thunderbird is a popular Mozilla […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 20, 2015
Car hacking – Progressive Dongle exposes vehicles to attacks

A security researcher demonstrated that “car hacking” is reality through the exploitation of vulnerable Can Insurance Dongle. Million vehicles at risk. Car hacking is a reality, we have discussed the topic several times and we have learned that modern vehicles have a complex internal networking infrastructure that could be subject to cyber attacks. The news […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 20, 2015
Two flaws affect some version of the popular VLC media player

The VLC open-source media player is affected by two security vulnerabilities that can allow an attacker to run arbitrary code on vulnerable machines. Some versions of the popular VLC open-source media player are affected by two memory corruption vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an attacker to run arbitrary code on vulnerable machines. The couple of vulnerabilities was […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 19, 2015
Verizon FiOS app flaw exposes 5 Million Customers’ accounts

Security expert discovered a critical flaw in Verizon’s FiOS mobile app that could be exploited to access the email account of any Verizon customer. A new critical vulnerability in exposing million accounts to cyber threats, this time the flaw affects the Verizon FiOS mobile app and could be exploited by attackers to access the email account […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 19, 2015
American and Indian ICT experts to collaborate in strengthening India’s ICT

ICT experts from the US and India have now announced that they will work together to help improve India’s ICT. This announcement was made in Washington DC during the recent US-India ICT Work Group meeting. The collaboration between experts from the US and India in a bid to help India realize its ICT projects has […]