
Pierluigi Paganini October 30, 2013
Twitter Unrestricted File Upload Vulnerability

Security expert Ebrahim Hegazy has found another serious vulnerability in Twitter, he has discovered an Unrestricted File Upload Vulnerability. The popular Ebrahim Hegazy has found another serious vulnerability in Twitter, the cyber security analyst and Consultant at Q-CERT has discovered a flaw in the social media that allows Unrestricted File Upload. When a user creates a […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 30, 2013
Wi-Fi HTTP Request Hijacking attack against iOS users

Wi-Fi HTTP Request Hijacking attack against iOS – the researchers at Skycure have demonstrated a new technique that menaces mobile users. I’m not surprised for trust given by Internet users to public Wi-Fi networks that are notoriously insecure, wrong habits on the open networks could expose our identity to serious risks, one on all the identity theft. […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 29, 2013
Business Intelligence – Intro to reconnaissance

Exploring the Business Intelligence module proposed by the online course of the Hacker Academy – Intro to reconnaissance phase for a penetration testing. One of the most important components of the reconnaissance process in pen testing activity is the business intelligence. Once chosen the target it is important to gather business information on it before […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 29, 2013
Social media and digital identity. Prevention and incident response

The hack of a social media account is a common incident that could have a serious impact of our digital identity. How to prevent it? What to do in case of hack? Social media, cloud computing and mobile are technologies that most of all attract cybercriminals due their high penetration, exploiting this channels attackers could […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 28, 2013
Syrian Electronic Army hacked President Obama website and social media

Syrian Electronic Army Targeted President Obama’s website, Twitter and Facebook accounts and email account linked to his non-profit activities. Once again Syrian Electronic Army, the pro-Assad group claims it has hacked the President Barack Obama’s website, the social media accounts belonging to him on Twitter and Facebook and it violated the email accounts linked to […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 28, 2013
Israel – AP Exclusive reveals tunnel hit by cyber attack

Cybersecurity experts revealed that a major artery in Israel’s national road network located in the northern the city of Haifa suffered a cyber attack. Israel is considered one of the most advanced country in cyber security, but at the same time is a privileged target for hostile governments intent in sabotage and cyber espionage on […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 27, 2013
Subcontractors are for hackers the weakest link in security chain

Hackers use to target subcontractors to hit big enterprises due the poor level of security they offer, in the energy sector this trend is very concerning. Let’s follow the discussion on the hacking world and the way hackers impact business with their activities. We discussed about the role of hackers for companies and their employment […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 26, 2013
LinkedIn Intro iOS app intercept user’s emails in iPhone and much more

LinkedIn launched LinkedIn Intro app for iOS to show LI profiles right inside the native iPhone mail client. Which is the effect on privacy and security? LinkedIn, like any other social media platform is a mine of information for internet users, due this reason the number of attacks against it are soaring. The principal social […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 25, 2013
US government released draft for NIST cybersecurity framework

NIST released the draft of cybersecurity framework, which outlines how private companies can protect themselves against cyberattacks, and security breaches. The National Institute of Standards and Technology has released a draft of the cybersecurity framework for private companies and infrastructure networks as part of  President Obama’s executive order. The order has the primary goal to improve the […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 24, 2013
Android Wroba banking trojan targeted Korean users

The Antivirus vendor Malwarebytes revealed that the Wroba banking trojan distributed via file sharing sites and alternative markets targeted Korean users. Today I presented at Cyber Threat Summit 2013 the topic “Modern online-banking cybercrime” and just a few hours after it is appeared the new Android banking Trojan targeting Korean banks. The number of malware […]