
Pierluigi Paganini October 05, 2013
Reading IBM X-Force 2013 Mid-Year Trend and Risk Report

IBM issued the X-Force 2013 Mid-Year Trend and Risk Report, a detailed analysis of current security landscape, including data on main cyber threats and information on mitigation techniques. IBM issued the X-Force 2013 Mid-Year Trend and Risk Report, a study that identifies Social media as the main target of cyber criminal activities. The powerful social networking […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 04, 2013
Adobe security breach,hackers steal 2.9M accounts and source code

Adobe reveals customer data stolen in security breach, hackers have accessed sensitive information for 2.9 million users and to the source code of many products. Adobe Systems Inc has warned that customer data stolen in a security breach. According an official advisory, 2.9 million customers might have had their information stolen due a cyber attack that hit […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 03, 2013
FireEye World War C report – Nation-state driven cyber attacks

FireEye security firm released World War C report to explain nation-state motives behind advanced Nation-state driven cyber attacks. Nation-state driven cyber attacks are routinely conducted on a global scale to defend national sovereignty and project national power. We are living in the cyber era, human conflict is involving also the fifth domain of warfare, the cyberspace. As never […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 02, 2013
Silk Road online drug marketplace sized by FBI

FBI seizes underground drug market Silk Road and identified its owner. The site was producing earning for more than $1.2 billion in business. The FBI has closed the popular black market Silk Road after many years of investigation, the website hosted in the Tor Network was seized by US law enforcement. Last year a research made by the Carnegie Mellon […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 02, 2013
Android Firefox browser app flaw allows data stealing from SD card

Vulnerability In Android Firefox browser app allows hackers to steal user’s files from the SD Card And Firefox’s Privately Stored Data. Androidpolice blog reported that security researcher Sebastián Guerrero discovered an Android Firefox browser app vulnerability that allows hackers to access both the contents of the SD card and the browser’s private data. Once again mobile security is under discussion, the number of […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 01, 2013 – Can you trust your VPN provider? Maybe … VPN service with no-logging policy announced to have sniffed the traffic of US based server to Catch Hackers. Can we trust the VPN service? is considered one of most reliable VPN service with no-logging policy, its staff declares to provide any citizen all around the world the ability to protect their online privacy. Is is true? Are we sure […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 30, 2013
F-Secure published Threat Report H1 2013 on security landscape

IT security firm F-Secure has published its Threat Report H1 2013, the document proposes a focus on Java exploits, mobile threats, Bitcoin mining, APTs and Mac malware. F-Secure security firm has released the Threat Report H1 2013 that provides an overview on cyber security landscape analyzing the events that characterized the first part of the year. The primary cause of incidents according the […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 29, 2013
New TouchID hack by Iranian team works also on iOS 7_0_2

  The Iranian group defeated the very basic phenomenon of an iPhone Fingerprinting scanner  which allows them to hack TouchID with multiple Fingerprints also on iOS 7_0_2 . An Iranian group of iPhone Geeks managing the blog defeated the very basic phenomenon of an iPhone Fingerprinting scanner, which allows them to unlock an iPhone device with multiple […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 29, 2013
Iran hacked US Navy Computers

US officials revealed that Iran hacked unclassified Navy computers in recent weeks in an escalation of cyber attacks against US infrastructures. The Wall Street Journal reported that Iran hacked unclassified US Navy computers, the allegations were made by US officials that consider the attacks of most serious intrusion within Government Network made by foreign states. “The U.S. officials said the attacks were carried out by […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 28, 2013
Criminals hacked illegal service exposing Americans to Identity theft

An identity theft service that sells personal information on millions of US citizens has been hacked. Millions of US citizens exposed to Id Theft. Around 5 Millions of Americans are exposed to the concrete risk of identity theft, this is one of most clamorous and grotesque case of data breach, hackers stolen data on US citizens that were stored in the […]