With the term of Mosaic theory we refer the method used in security analysis to gather information about a corporation. A natural extension of the method hit its application to ordinary life. Mosaic theory involves collecting information from different sources, public and private, to calculate the value of security. The key concept is the collection and […]
In this article I wish to bring to your attention what I regard as gross contradiction of a nation whose people I admire for their professionalism and dedication to work, India. In my previous article “Cyber India” lights and shadows of the country full of contradictions I presented a picture of the nation in terms of cyberwarfare, […]
In recent weeks we have discussed a lot about cyber crime and how it is assuming frightening proportions. A growing business in which a huge number of organizations have taken an interest. The cyber space considered as an open ocean in which there is anarchy and it is relatively the mob began to invest in […]
In this article I intend to read with you an interesting document, distributed by Imperva, in which they emphasized, the main threats that could cause significant problems in the coming year. Please carefully read the entire article, first we discuss the nine threats that worry Imperva, then I will introduce the most dangerous threats from my point of view. Do not spend days where you do not hear of cyber threats, risks and possible defense strategies implemented. Governments but […]
Have you ever wondered what are the main threats have concerns the banks and financial institutions? Several survey have been conducted and apart small differenced of on numbers they all have evidenced that Top fraud threats are payment card fraud check fraud phishing/vishing account takeover third-party POS skimming When these frauds are detected? The major […]
Are you able to imagine a world in which everybody is free to communicate without being intercepted, spied on, tracked? Have you ever dreamt, reading sad and bad news pages on the censure of many governments, a world where the concept of freedom of thought has been materialized? In recent decades we have witnessed radical […]
Here I am, as promised, to continue the research started together regarding the cost of malware. Reading news of more or less aggressive viruses that cause many damages to public infrastructure to private citizens and sometimes endangering human life itself. But when we are dealing with someone that has different works and that has no […]
The Economy of India is the ninth largest in the world by nominal GDP and the fourth largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country is a part of the G-20 major economies, Goldman Sachs predicts that “from 2007 to 2020, India’s GDP per capita in US$ terms will quadruple”, and that the Indian economy will surpass the United States (in US$) by 2043, this are […]
Cyber warfare expert John Bumgarner claims that the Stuxnet and Duqu virus have been active for much longer than previously suspected, he says that they are active in different variant since 2006. Precisely he claims that the Stuxnet computer virus is linked to Conficker, a mysterious “worm” that surfaced in late 2008 and infected millions […]
During this days I had the opportunity to read the results of a couple of surveys: The PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Its Global Economic Crime Survey has demonstrated that Cybercrime has double digit growth being today third biggest crime threat in UK businesses behind asset theft crimes, frauds and corruption Norton Cybercrime Report: The Human Impact, an groundbreaking study […]