The Dutch police decrypted a number of PGP messages sent by crooks through their BlackBerry mobile devices for the criminal investigation on Ennetcom. PGP is an open source end-to-end encryption standard that can be used to sign emails, files, documents, or disk partitions. On April 2016, the Dutch Police arrested a 36-year-old man on suspicion […]
The Dutch Police has seized two servers belonging to Switzerland-based Virtual Private Network (VPN) provider Perfect Privacy, as part of an investigation. Recently, two European countries, France and Germany, have declared war against encryption with an objective to force major technology companies to build encryption backdoors in their secure messaging services. The fight to the cybercrime is […]
The Dutch police in an international effort with Canadian authorities seized the Ennetcom encrypted communication network used by 19,000 users. Another success of the Dutch law enforcement against the cybercrime. The police arrested the owner of Ennetcom, a provider of encrypted communications with more than 19,000 customers. Prosecutors suspect he was using the business to manage […]