A police report revealed that the popular encrypted email service provider ProtonMail shared the IP address of a French activist with the authorities. The privacy friendly end-to-end encrypted email service provider ProtonMail has shared the IP address of anti-gentrification activists with law enforcement authorities, a police report revealed. The police used this information to identify and arrest a […]
The popular ProtonMail end-to-end encrypted email service and ProtonVPN VPN service have been blocked by the Russian government this week. This week the Russian government has blocked the ProtonMail end-to-end encrypted email service and ProtonVPN VPN service. Roskomnadzor explained that the services were abused by cybercriminals and that Proton Technologies refused to register them with state authorities. The […]
On Friday, Belorussian authorities have blocked access to the end-to-end encrypted email service ProtonMail after receiving a wave of bomb threats. On Friday, Belorussian authorities decided to block the access to ProtonMail after receiving a series of bomb threats. The threats were sent by an unknown attacker from a ProtonMail email address to private companies […]
Proton Technologies announced this week that it has made available the source code of its popular ProtonMail iOS App. The Proton Technologies firm continues to propose initiatives aimed at ensuring the transparency of its ProtonMail applications, this week it announced the availability of the source code of its popular ProtonMail iOS App. Recently the cybersecurity […]
The popular privacy-focused email service ProtonMail has been accused of offering voluntarily real-time surveillance assistance to law enforcement. The popular privacy-focused email service ProtonMail made the headlines because it has been accused of supporting real-time surveillance carried out by law enforcement. On May 10, while Stephan Walder, a public prosecutor and head of the Cybercrime […]
ProtonMail back after the Russian government has been attempting to prevent Russian citizens from sending messages to ProtonMail. ProtonMail is now running normally in Russia, the popular encrypted email service was blocked after students at a sports competition were using it to spread anti-regime propaganda. The Russian news aggregator service Habr reported that Russian telcos […]
A hacker going online by the moniker AmFearLiathMor is claiming to have hacked the most popular end-to-end encrypted email service ProtonMail. At the time it is not clear if the hacker belongs to a cyber crime gang, it claims to have stolen a “significant” amounts of data from the company. The ransom demand (archive.is link) was […]
UK NCA arrested a member of the Apophis Squad hacker group that launched distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against many organizations, including ProtonMail. The U.K. National Crime Agency (NCA) announced the arrest of the 19-year-old George Duke-Cohan from Hertfordshire that was involved in the ProtonMail DDoS attack. The teenager, aka â7R1D3N7,â âDoubleParallaxâ and âoptcz1,âwas arrested on August 31 and is still in […]
Address Verification allows you to be sure you are securely communicating with the right person, while PGP support adds encrypted email interoperability. Starting with the latest release of ProtonMail on web (v3.14), iOS and Android (v1.9), and the latest versions of the ProtonMail IMAP/SMTP Bridge, ProtonMail now supports Address Verification, along with full PGP interoperability and support. […]
A massive DDoS attack hit encrypted email provider ProtonMail, experts believe it was powered by Russian hackers. On Wednesday morning, ProtonMail informed customers that its systems were under attack that was causing a delay in the delivery of the messages. Our network is under attack again. No data is breached or lost, but emails will be […]