Security researchers from ESET published a detailed analysis of a recently discovered cyber espionage group tracked as GreyEnergy. Security experts from ESET published a detailed analysis of a recently discovered threat actor tracked as GreyEnergy, its activity emerged in concurrence with BlackEnergy operations. ESET researchers have spotted a new strain of malware tracked as Exaramel […]
ESET researchers have spotted a new strain of malware tracked as Exaramel that links the dreaded not Petya wiper to the Industroyer ICS malware. A few months ago, researchers from ESET discovered a new piece of malware that further demonstrates the existence of a link between Industroyer and the NotPetya wiper. In June 2017, researchers at antivirus firm ESET […]
Security experts from ESET that spotted the Industroyer malware used against Ukraine’s power grid released a free tool for ICS Malware analysis ESET researchers Robert Lipovsky and Anton Cherepanov have released a free tool for the analysis of ICS malware. The security duo is the same that discovered the CrashOverride/Industroyer malware that targeted the Ukraine’s power […]
Ukraine blames Russia for a new wave of cyber attacks on its infrastructure, including the power grid and financial system. This week Ukraine accused Russia of cyber attacks against its critical infrastructure, including power grid and financial systems. State-sponsored hackers used a new strain of malware that targets industrial processes, the malicious code looked like it was designed by […]
The BlackEnergy hacker group that targeted the Ukrainian grid one year ago, now identified as TeleBots, are targeting Ukrainian banks. The BlackEnergy hacker group that targeted the Ukrainian grid one year ago causing a power outage in the country are now targeting Ukrainian banks. The Ukrainian government accused Russia of being involved in the attack, […]