
Pierluigi Paganini October 06, 2013
How NSA tries to compromise Tor anonymity. Tor Stinks document

Top-secret presentation Tor Stinks leaked by Snowden shows the techniques implemented by the NSA to overwhelm Tor Anonymity with manual analysis. Tor anonymity has been debated many times, according to majority security experts it was one of the most secure ways to stay online being far from prying eyes avoiding government surveillance. Recently a series of events have completely changed […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 27, 2013
Icefog – Kaspersky discovered the group of cyber mercenaries

Kaspersky Lab discovered the emerging group of cyber-mercenaries Icefog available for hire to perform surgical hit and run operations against strategic targets. Researchers at Kaspersky Lab sustain to have identifies a group of cyber mercenaries called Icefog that is responsible for a huge cyber espionage campaign, occurred in 2011, against Japanese parliament and dozens of government agencies and […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 25, 2013
Chinese hackers increasingly attracted to the drone technology

Intelligence agencies reveal that Chinese hackers increasingly attracted to the drone technology while Chinese drone industry grows like never before! The fact that Chinese hackers are most persistent collectors for sensitive information is not a mystery, more difficult to demonstrate the direct involvement of the PLA behind the operations of computer experts that systematically seek to unravel […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 20, 2013
An undetectable Hardware Trojan is reality

A team of researchers developed an hardware trojan undetectable to most detection techniques raising the question on need of proper hardware qualification. A Team of researchers conducted a study on a stealthy Dopant-Level Hardware Trojans, an insidious menace that could have a dramatic impact on production processed of chips in every sector. The team composed […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 17, 2013
Belgacom hack, state-sponsored attack hypothesis

Belgacom hack, the telecommunications company found evidence of digital intrusion in the company systems, many experts believe in a state-sponsored attack. Belgacom hack, the largest telecommunications company in Belgium and primarily state-owned, has announced that its IT  infrastructure has suffered a cyber attack malware based. The attackers hacked company IT systems and infected with unknown Malware. According first […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 15, 2013
CBMEN, DARPA’s peer-to-peer technology for battlefield

DARPA is conducting a program codenamed CBMEN (Content-Based Mobile Edge Networking) for sharing of reconnaissance and Intelligence data on battlefield through P2P technology DARPA is conducting a program codenamed CBMEM (Content-Based Mobile Edge Networking) for sharing of reconnaissance data over local wireless and radio networks of military troops without having to be tethered to a server. The […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 11, 2013
Kaspersky reveals Kimsuky operation that is targeting South Korea

After months of investigation security researchers from Kaspersky have detected a new cyber espionage campaign dubbed Kimsuky that targeted South Korean organizations. Kaspersky experts have discovered a new cyber espionage campaign dubbed Kimsuky due the names “kim” used by hackers for drop box email accounts during in the attacks. “It’s interesting that the drop box […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 09, 2013
Surveillance – NSA can access data on your mobile device

The German news agency Der Spiegel reported last act of US surveillance, the NSA is able to access data stored in a wide range of mobile devices including Android, iPhone and BlackBerry. Here we are with weekly news on NSA surveillance activities, last week we were shocked by the news on Bullrun program meanwhile today we discuss on the capability of the agency to access data stored […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 07, 2013
NSA Bullrun program, encryption and false perception of security

Revelations on Bullrun program demonstrated that NSA has capabilities against widely-used online protocols such as HTTPS and encryption standards. The latest nightmare for US Administration is named Bullrun, another US program for massive surveillance. Snowden‘s revelations represented a heartquake for IT security, the image of NSA and US IT companies are seriously compromised such the trust of worldwide […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 04, 2013
NetTraveler APT hackers still active improved their attacks

Experts at Kaspersky firm provided evidences that the hackers behind cyber espionage campaign NetTraveler are still active and improved their attack methods. Last June Kaspersky firm uncovered a new global cyber espionage campaign dubbed NetTraveler. Kaspersky’s team discovered that NetTraveler targeted over 350 high profile victims from 40 countries. The name of the operation derives from […]