The use of mobile devices in government environments concerns the secret service of any states, cyber espionage more often exploits the mobile platforms. Mobile devices are reason of great concern for governments, they have a great computational capability, huge memories to store our personal data, GPS to follow our movements and are equipped with a […]
The professional social network LinkedIn is a mine of information for any king of attackers, a Websense post described a typical attack scenario. Recently I read an interesting post published on the Websense security labs blog on the use of social network LinkedIn for the reconnaissance phase of an attack. The concept is not […]
Finland’s foreign minister announced that foreign intelligence agents had carried out large-scale cyber espionage into government communications. The Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affair networks has been targeted in a cyber espionage operation lasting at least four years, the news has been reported by the Finnish commercial broadcaster MTV3. Finland’s foreign minister Erkki Tuomioja confirmed the shocking news, a large […]
OpNSA analyzed with OSINT techniques based on the correlation of media activities and physical protests. The analysts provided a forecast on next attacks. Web Intelligence analysis alerts on early signs of an Anonymous cyber campaign dubbed OpNSA that as usual will address with DDoS attack principal US Government websites. Security experts don’t exclude the […]
Exploring the Business Intelligence module proposed by the online course of the Hacker Academy – Intro to reconnaissance phase for a penetration testing. One of the most important components of the reconnaissance process in pen testing activity is the business intelligence. Once chosen the target it is important to gather business information on it before […]
Hacker, a figure considered today one of the most precious professional by Government organizations, private businesses and intelligence agencies. It’s a shortage! All the report produced by principal security firms remark a meaningful increase in the number of cyber attacks against organizations, government offices and private companies. The increased number of cyber incidents is animating […]
NSA leaked documents reveals the existence of FOXACID servers that provides an automated hacking platform used to drive operators into hacking targets. Security expert Bruce Schneier revealed in a recent post that the NSA has a wide-ranging arsenal of zero-day exploits to use for cyber operations, mainly used for cyber espionage campaigns. The effort spent by government for the […]
Top-secret presentation Tor Stinks leaked by Snowden shows the techniques implemented by the NSA to overwhelm Tor Anonymity with manual analysis. Tor anonymity has been debated many times, according to majority security experts it was one of the most secure ways to stay online being far from prying eyes avoiding government surveillance. Recently a series of events have completely changed […]
Kaspersky Lab discovered the emerging group of cyber-mercenaries Icefog available for hire to perform surgical hit and run operations against strategic targets. Researchers at Kaspersky Lab sustain to have identifies a group of cyber mercenaries called Icefog that is responsible for a huge cyber espionage campaign, occurred in 2011, against Japanese parliament and dozens of government agencies and […]
Intelligence agencies reveal that Chinese hackers increasingly attracted to the drone technology while Chinese drone industry grows like never before! The fact that Chinese hackers are most persistent collectors for sensitive information is not a mystery, more difficult to demonstrate the direct involvement of the PLA behind the operations of computer experts that systematically seek to unravel […]