
Pierluigi Paganini April 22, 2013
HTTP-Botnets: The Dark Side of a Standard Protocol!

When the HTTP protocol was born in 1999, no one ever thought it will be used by one of the most dangerous Cyber threats called Botnet. A bot is an application that can perform and repeat a particular task faster than a human. When a large number of bots infect different targets (e.g. Computers and […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 20, 2013
Group-IB detected malware that hit Russian stock-trading platform

Security firm Group-IB has detected a new variant of malware that targets the popular Russian stock-trading platform QUIK (Quik Broker, Quik Dealer) provided by Russian software developers ARQA Technologies. The malware has been used during various attacks staring in last November (2012) with the purpose to gather detailed information on the respective owners of the accounts. […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 19, 2013
New dangerous threat Magic Malware hit thousands of UK firms

The Internet is full of news regarding malware more or less sophisticated that are used for various purposes, cybercrime, cyber espionage, hacktivism or cyber warfare but not all these agents demonstrated their efficiency over the time. This time thousands of UK companies have been targeted by a smart malware, dubbed “Magic Malware”,  that has gone undetected […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 17, 2013
Almost all game hacks are infected with malware

Security worldwide community is alarmed by the explosion of number of cyber threats that are becoming even more sophisticated and are exploring new channel to infect a larger number of machines for various purposes, from cyber espionage to the realization of complex fraud. Antivirus company AVG has published an interesting study on games hacks that […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 15, 2013
Bitcoin in the storm and cybercrime try to take advantage of it

As can be imagined and anticipated the soar of Bicoin value has attracted the interest of cybercrime, recently we read of malware authors and botmasters that trying to exploit new and old channels to steal virtual currency or mine it using computational resources of the victims. Security experts from Kaspersky Lab found variant of malware spread via […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 12, 2013
Winnti – a cyber espionage case for gaming industry

Another cyber espionage campaign has been discovered by Kaspersky Lab Team, I start to get the feeling that whatever is done online we cannot avoid being spied. What is singular this time is the sector hit by the attackers, the gaming industry, that using a malware signed with a valid digital certificate has been used […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 10, 2013
How cybercrime uses a compromised Skype account

In various articles I wrote on the large diffusion of botnets and the capabilities of malicious agents to use as spread channel the social media platforms or popular applications. The diffusion and management of a botnet architecture has never been so easy, the underground offer covers every need and provides advanced customization services. Security expert […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 08, 2013
Cybercrime follows money, malware for Bitcoin mining spread via Skype

Recently I wrote an article related the link between the soar of Bicoin value and expected increased interest of cybercrime to the virtual currency. In the post I anticipated the we will assist to the increase of DDoS attacks and data breach against principal Bitcoin exchanges and services providers, I also introduced the possibility to […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 04, 2013
FireEye on alarming evolution of advanced threats in H2 2012

FireEye is one of most interesting security companies, thanks to its investigations many cases have been discovered in the last months, such as the attack to Bit9 companies and the abuse of its certificate to sign malicious code. The security firm has just published a new interesting report titled “2H 2012 Advanced Threat Report” reporting […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 31, 2013
Botnet authors use Evernote account as C&C Server

Botnet author are increasing complexity of the malicious code they use and at the same time security firms are adopting more sophisticated detection methods. Between principal concerns of botmaster the need to improve the capabilities of bot agents to operate silently and necessity to masquerade traffic from bots and Command & Control servers. Focusing on this […]