A Fake Occupy Central app containing a spyware is used by unknown to track activists in Hong Kong. Evidences suggest the involvement of Chinese entities. A Fake Occupy Central app is targeting the smartphones of the activists belonging to the Occupy Central pro-democracy movement with spyware. The malicious app has circulated online claiming to be an instrument […]
The SHA-1 cryptographic hash algorithm has been known vulnerable, Collision attacks against it are too affordable and attacks will get cheaper soon. Many websites today are using digital certificates signed using algorithms based on the hash algorithm called SHA-1. Hashing algorithms are used to ensure the integrity of the certificate in the signing processes, a flawed […]
Jaime Blasco at AlienVault Labs explained that ShellShock vulnerability could be exploited to hack Voice over IP systems worldwide. The Shellshock Bash is monopolizing the debate on the Internet security in these days, every vendor is assessing its product to verify the impact of the critical vulnerability Bash Bug (CVE-2014-6271). Apple recently announced that its Mac OS X based […]
Apple says users of its OS X are “safe by default” from the Bash Bug, meanwhile Oracle warns its customers that 32 products are affected by the flaw. The recently discovered Bash Bug vulnerability is menacing billions of devices that could be exposed to cyber attacks which exploit the flaw, the situation appears to be critical […]
A new collection of photos belonging to the Fappening archives have been leaked online, it includes nudes of Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrities. The Fappening is now in its third episode and the celebrities are naked again. The Fappening seems to be never ending story, a new archive of nude celebrity photos has been leaked online. The […]
Experts at Akamai spotted a new malware kit named Spike which is used by bad actors to run DDoS attacks through desktops and Internet of Things devices. According to Akamai’s Prolexic Security Engineering & Response Team (PLXsert) a new malware kit dubbed Spike was used by bad actors to run DDoS attacks through routers, smart thermostats, […]
The critical vulnerability Bash Bug in common GNU shell could be exploited by botmaster to infect a huge number of machines on a large scale. The recently discovered Bash Bug vulnerability, coded as CVE-2014-6271 and known also as “Shellshock,” is worrying the security community due to its impact on a large-scale. The remotely exploitable critical flaw affects Linux, Unix and […]
Bash Bug is a critical flaw remotely Exploitable which affects Linux, Unix and Apple Mac OS X and that is threatening the global Internet infrastructure. A new critical vulnerability dubbed Bash Bug in Linux and Unix command-line shell, aka the GNU Bourne Again Shell, is threatening the IT world. The flaw, coded as CVE-2014-6271, is remotely exploitable and affects Linux […]
Security expert Marc Rogers, chief security researcher at Lookout Mobile Security, revealed that Apple’s Touch ID is still vulnerable to hack on iphone 6. A few days ago we discussed about the availability on the Internet of the exploit for iOS 7.x based devices, due to the diffusion of Apple Smartphones and tablets the security […]
Security experts at Sophos have detected a surge in cyber attacks based on VBA malware, such threats are still very insidious but often underestimated. Experts at SophosLabs observed a surge in VBA malware, according their analysis macro-based malware accounted for 28 percent of all malware attack detected in July, up from just six percent in June, despite […]